[Mi-local-history] Apply Now for the MDPN's Digital Preservation Storage Grant!

Gallo, Biz (MDE) GalloB at michigan.gov
Mon Nov 18 09:07:45 EST 2024

The Michigan Digital Preservation Network<https://mipres.org/> (MDPN) is a statewide initiative that offers affordable and easy-to-use digital preservation services to cultural memory organizations of all types and sizes. Digital preservation helps keep digital content safe, accessible, and usable for the long-term future in spite of risks like technical failure or organizational change, and is an important part of good digital collections stewardship. Digital preservation is like an insurance policy that protects an organization's investment in building and maintaining their digital collections.

As part of its implementation grant from the Institute for Museum and Library Services<https://imls.gov/sites/default/files/project-proposals/LG-252394-OLS-22-full-proposal.pdf>, the MDPN is providing free or subsidized digital preservation storage in its LOCKSS network for digital collections that could be considered at-risk or pertaining to underrepresented groups/communities. "At-risk" can be considered those that are impacted by technical obsolescence, environmental threats, financial insolvency, or organizational failure. "Underrepresented" can include collections documenting communities/groups that have been historically marginalized in the content collected and preserved by cultural memory institutions (i.e. archives, museums, etc.) and in society, more broadly. In addition to free or subsidized digital preservation storage for selected collections, awardees will receive free one-on-one training on how to use the MDPN's preservation service.

To apply, visit http://bit.ly/MDPNstoragegrant. For questions about the grant, please contact MDPN Coordinator Dr. Chelsea Denault (denaultc at mcls.org).

Note: The Library of Michigan cannot endorse specific vendors or brands. Libraries should contact vendors and other experts for advice and to ensure that their choice reflects the unique needs of that library.

Biz Gallo

Statewide Digitization Initiatives Coordinator

Library of Michigan, 702 W. Kalamazoo, Lansing, MI 48915
GalloB at michigan.gov<mailto:GalloB at michigan.gov> | mi.gov/LMdigitization<http://mi.gov/LMdigitization> | 517-335-1402

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