[Michlib-l] Revised ending date -- Michicard program ends December 31, 2013

Robertson, Nancy (MDE) RobertsonN at michigan.gov
Tue Aug 20 10:43:46 EDT 2013

Dear Michigan library directors and staff, please note the revised end date for Michicard in the following re-release of my original notice below:

The Michicard program will end December 31, 2013.  As anticipated for some time now, Michicard has been eclipsed in terms of service and convenience by the Michigan eLibrary Catalog and Resource Sharing system (MeLCat<http://elibrary.mel.org/search>). We encourage all libraries that participated in Michicard to become participating libraries in MeLCat.  MeLCat is an online catalog and delivery service that allows patrons of hundreds of participating Michigan libraries to borrow materials - books, movies, CDs and more - from all over the state and have them delivered to their home library. The Michicard system required the patron to travel to the library owning the material to both check out and return items.  Libraries interested in offering the same in-library access that Michicard once provided are invited to join MeLCat and sign up as a library that offers Visiting Patron Service<http://mcls.org/cms/sitem.cfm/library_tools/melcat/melcat_resource_sharing_policies/#VP>.

Click here<http://mcls.org/cms/sitem.cfm/library_tools/melcat/melcat_participation/> to learn more about becoming a MeLCat participating library.
More details will come soon about training opportunities or informational sessions regarding the MeLCat Visiting Patron service and how a library begins participating in it.

Solutions for libraries unable to join MeLCat but interested in providing similar service to that offered by Michicard:

 *   Enter into reciprocal borrowing agreements with other library systems.
 *   Build Cooperative-wide library sharing services.
 *   Offer guest cards to out of service area patrons.
 *   Charge a membership fee to out of service area patrons.
 *   Remember, your library determines its own circulation and borrowing policies. The only requirement from the Library of Michigan is that if you offer MeLCat services to a designated patron group, you shall not charge patrons for MeLCat services.
I encourage you to look at this change as an opportunity to review and update your circulation and reciprocal borrowing practices and policies to meet your patrons' most up-to-date needs.

We have posted a Michicard/MeLCat FAQ containing the most commonly asked questions concerning Michicard and MeLCat on our Michicard page at www.michigan.gov/michicard<http://www.michigan.gov/michicard>.

Thank you in advance for moving with the times on this and rolling with the change.


Nancy R. Robertson
State Librarian
Library of Michigan
702 West Kalamazoo, P.O. Box 30007
Lansing, MI 48909-7507
Ph: 517-373-9464
Email:  robertsonn at michigan.gov<mailto:robertsonn at michigan.gov>
URL:  http://michigan.gov/libraryofmichigan
Visit the Michigan eLibrary at http://mel.org<http://mel.org/>

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