[Michlib-l] Public Library and local school partnership helping parents gain technology skills

White, Shannon (MDE) WhiteS29 at michigan.gov
Fri Jul 26 12:14:09 EDT 2013

Arlington Heights Memorial Library in Illinois, (AHML), http://ahml.info/ provides a great example of a school/library partnership in the area of digital literacy.  Staff members are working to collaborate with their elementary and junior high schools to offer a series of classes geared to the parents of students.  The classes will provide training in areas of digital literacy and will be offered over a three month period using both the public library and school computer labs.  Their goal is to give parents struggling to keep up with their digital savvy youngsters the chance to learn more about technology.

If you have your own ideas about how to make a program like this successful, be sure to visit the DigitalLearn.org site and join the discussion http://digitallearn.org/teach/groups/tech-classes-parents

In addition to this topic you can find information on a variety of digital literacy issues including handouts and tips library staff and others can use in your community.  Visit www.DigitalLearn.org<http://www.DigitalLearn.org> and choose "Help Learners" to find more resources.


Shannon D. White
Continuing Education Coordinator
Library of Michigan
702 West Kalamazoo, P.O. Box 30007, Lansing, MI 48909-7507
Ph: 517-373-9489; Fax: 517-373-5700
Toll free:  877-479-0021
whites29 at michigan.gov<mailto:whites29 at michigan.gov>

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