[Michlib-l] MeL-Minute – Early World of Learning and World Book Kids

Borrelli, Eunice (MDE) BorrelliE at michigan.gov
Thu Dec 18 13:56:52 EST 2014

Hi all,

A break from school over the holidays doesn’t need to mean a break from learning or having fun while doing so.  Grades Pre-K – 5 can continue their exploration of the world of colors and numbers while strengthening reading skills with stories, activities and videos in the MeL database<http://mel.org/Databases> Early World of Learning<http://worldbookonline.com/ewol/home?subacct=O6106>.   Print & Do activities offer matching, shapes, sizes, time, and other exercises with downloadable and printable worksheets.  Another MeL database<http://mel.org/Databases>, World Book Kids<http://www.worldbookonline.com/kids/home?subacct=O6106>, also for Grades Pre-K – 5, has featured videos and 8 subject areas to explore as well as science project and experiment ideas.  Be It!  Make It!  Think It!  Teach It!   Both of these World Book resources are found in the MeL Kids Gateway<http://kids.mel.org/>.  Michigan residents or Michigan library access only.

MeL Minutes are brought to you by the Library of Michigan.  Want more information on MeL?  Stay tuned for next week’s MeL Minute available on many Michigan library listservs, email us at contact at mel.org<mailto:contact at mel.org> or visit mel.org<http://mel.org/>.  We encourage you to share MeL Minutes with your public service colleagues.

Eunice C. Borrelli, Michigan eLibrary Internet Librarian
Library of Michigan/Michigan Dept. of Education, 702 W. Kalamazoo St., Lansing, MI 48909
Phone: 517.241.4996    Toll Free: 877.479.0021     Fax: 517.373.5700
The Library of Michigan is pleased to share a new video series highlighting Michigan libraries & how they are making a difference in their communities. To experience Michigan libraries in a new light, visit http://brightside.cedam.info/ & watch the 21st Century Libraries episode.

Invest in a child’s future today. Support the MDE Culture of Reading. www.michigan.gov/cultureofreading<http://www.michigan.gov/cultureofreading>

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