[Michlib-l] MeL Minute - Opposing Viewpoints in Context

BiggThomas, Deb (MDE) BiggsThomasD at michigan.gov
Thu Oct 2 14:26:39 EDT 2014


MeL Minute – Opposing Viewpoints in Context

There is a veritable swirl of social issues around us--terrorism, infectious diseases, climate change, reproductive rights, to name but a few. The Michigan eLibrary, http://mel.org has a resource that can help make sense of subjects that get debated officially or unofficially.  Opposing Viewpoints in Context (OVIC) is a targeted resource which helps students, teachers and those who are interested in both sides of an issue or controversy and all the background that goes with it.  An eResource from Gale, OVIC, http://www.galesupport.com/migeoipcheck/migeoipcheck-gale.php?database=OVIC<http://teens.mel.org/index.php?P=GoTo&ID=4972&MF=4> features viewpoint essays, news, statistics, images, primary sources and much more. Did you know that the National Debate Topic is covered in OVIC?  Find Opposing Viewpoints in Context in the alphabetic list of MeL Databases http://mel.org/Databases and in the MeL Teens Gateway, http://mel.org/teens, in Homework Help and Life Happens. Michigan residents or Michigan library access only.

MeL Minutes are brought to you by the Library of Michigan.  Want more information on MeL?  Stay tuned for next week’s MeL Minute available on many Michigan library listservs, email us at contact at mel.org<mailto:contact at mel.org> or visit michigan.gov/mel<http://michigan.gov/mel>.  We encourage you to share MeL Minutes with your public service colleagues.

Deb Biggs Thomas
Michigan eLibrary & Outreach Coordinator
Library of Michigan
biggsthomasd at michigan.gov<mailto:biggsthomasd at michigan.gov>
http://mel.org    http://facebook.com/mel.org
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