[Michlib-l] Share Election Reminder on Twitter and Facebook

Simlar, Cathleen (MDOS) SimlarC at michigan.gov
Mon Aug 3 08:36:47 EDT 2015

Please help us remind the public that tomorrow is Election Day in many communities by sharing the following social media messages. (You can find a complete list of communities hosting an election at http://www.michigan.gov/documents/sos/Elections_by_County_444556_7.pdf?20150803082918.)

*         Twitter:
Tomorrow is #Election<https://twitter.com/search?q=%23Election&src=hash> Day in many communities in MI. Find out if your hometowns is having an election and view your ballot at mi.gov/vote<http://www.michigan.gov/vote>.

*         Facebook:
Have your voice heard! Tuesday, August 4 is #Election Day in many communities across Michigan! Visit Michigan.gov/vote<http://www.michigan.gov/vote> to find out if your community is having an election.  You can also view a sample ballot; find your polling place and much more.

Much thanks!

Cathleen Simlar
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