[Michlib-l] Webinar Training Opportunity: BUSINESSDECISION in MeL

BiggThomas, Deb (MDE) BiggsThomasD at michigan.gov
Mon Jun 8 15:19:56 EDT 2015

Hello Everyone--there's still time to register for a BusinessDecision update webinar; dates/times are listed below. It's just an hour and you'll be able to see what this powerful and no-cost business tool from MeL can do for you or your entrepreneurs!  Please sign-up today or soon!

CIVICTechnologies has scheduled several BusinessDecision updates in early-mid June.  BusinessDecision, a Michigan eLibrary resource is a database and reporting tool available at no cost to all Michigan residents.  With BusinessDecision, small businesses and entrepreneurs can find new customers, evaluate potential store locations, focus direct mail and media buys, evaluate business potential, and develop business marketing, and sales plans.

The schedule and registration information is here:  http://businessdecision-update.eventbrite.com.

The session, designed for Michigan library staff and Michigan business partners, will provide an overview on BusinessDecision changes.

BusinessDecision Updates-New Data and New Reports

  *   Review the new STI data and resource manuals for LandScape, PopStats, and other data files
  *   Update on the report migration including new reports and new data
  *   Update on Thematic mapping plans
  *   Review development priorities for BusinessDecision
  *   Q & A

We are using Eventbrite to manage the sessions and registration so watch for a confirmation email from Eventbrite.  The confirmation will include the online meeting details.  Note, the times will be listed as Pacific Daylight Time so Michigan session times will be 3 hours later. If you add to your Outlook, Google or other calendars, the time will translate to Eastern.

*       June 9 at 10:00 am PT=1:00 pm ET

*       June 17 at 11:00 am PT=2:00 pm ET

*       June 18 at 10:00 am PT=1:00 pm ET

Any questions, contact Julie Peterson at Julie at civictechnologies.com<mailto:Julie at civictechnologies.com>

The Michigan eLibrary is a service made possible by grant funds from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services administered by the Library of Michigan and the State of Michigan.

Hoping that you can attend this update training; please share with your colleagues.

Kind regards,

Deb Biggs Thomas, MA AMLS
Michigan eLibrary & Outreach Coordinator
Library of Michigan/Michigan Dept. of Education
702 W. Kalamazoo St.
Lansing, MI  48909
Phone:  517-373-4466
Visit MeL at:  http://mel.org<http://mel.org/> and on Facebook at:  http://facebook.com/mel.org
The Library of Michigan is pleased to share a new video series highlighting Michigan libraries and how they are making a difference in their communities.  To experience Michigan libraries in a new light, visit http://brightside.cedam.info/ and watch the 21st Century Libraries episode.

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