[Michlib-l] MeL Databases Award Announcement

White, Shannon (MDE) WhiteS29 at michigan.gov
Mon Jun 22 12:49:58 EDT 2015

The Library of Michigan is pleased to announce, pending approval from the State of Michigan's Administrative Board, and the signing of final contracts, the 2015-2018 subscription content for the Michigan eLibrary to take effect beginning October 1, 2015. For this cycle the Library of Michigan worked with a budget of approximately 1.5 million dollars to provide content that fit the core areas and mission for the Michigan eLibrary. Our intention of providing this announcement is to assist libraries working on budgets with a July 1 fiscal year start date. A final announcement and formal press release will follow in the summer when all contracts are signed and the Administrative Board has provided final approval for the purchases.

Below you can find information on the final product lineup for MeL contracts that are funded with LSTA dollars. This process was restricted to the bulk of the core MeL topical areas and did not encompass the types of resources that are on a separate funding cycle using State funds. That process will begin with contracts in the following fiscal year, 2017.

>From Gale/Cengage: We have contracted for similar content in this new cycle covering resources for all library types and enhanced training support.

Academic OneFile with eCollections
Small Business Resource Center
InfoTrac General Business collection
InfoTrac Newsstand
General OneFile with eCollections
General Reference Center GOLD
Military and Intelligence Database
Gale Virtual Reference Library (50 Titles)
Biography & Genealogy Master Index
Health and Wellness Resource Center w/Alternative Health Module
Health Reference Center Academic
Nursing and Allied Health Collection
Kids InfoBits
Research in Context (for Middle School)
Opposing Viewpoints in Context
Michigana: Sources in U.S. History Online
Enhanced training and support for K12 community resources

>From Britannica Online:

Britannica School - providing general encyclopedia content for all ages and library types

>From LearningExpress LLC:

LearningExpress Library - providing test preparation resources for all library types

>From ProQuest:

HeritageQuest Online - providing genealogical and historical research resources for all library types

We would like to thank the 2015 MeL Databases RFP Advisory Committee for all their work on helping us to craft the Statement of Work for the RFP as well as their continued feedback during the demo and trial period of the process.  In addition, our thanks to the Michigan library community as a whole for your feedback and participating in the demos and databases trials!  We will be putting together promotional materials and training opportunities as we move forward.

For background and additional information on the 2015 MeL Databases RFP process, please go to:  http://michigan.gov/2015melrfp.  Please let us know if you have any questions!

Best regards,

Shannon White, Interim Asst. Director Statewide Library Services and  Continuing Education Coordinator
Deb Biggs Thomas, MeL & Outreach Coordinator
Library of Michigan

Shannon D. White
Library of Michigan
702 West Kalamazoo, P.O. Box 30007, Lansing, MI 48909-7507
Ph: 517-373-9489; Fax: 517-373-5700
Toll free:  877-479-0021
whites29 at michigan.gov<mailto:whites29 at michigan.gov>

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