[Michlib-l] Invitation: Spring SEMLOL Meeting - April 10 - 1pm - College forCreative Studies, Detroit

Judy Dyki JDyki at cranbrook.edu
Sun Mar 29 18:56:49 EDT 2015

You are invited to the Spring 2015 SEMLOL (Southeastern Michigan League of Libraries) meeting, which will take place on April 10th, 2015, 1-4pm at the College for Creative Studies in Detroit. Please see the attached flyer for a full meeting agenda and more details on location, parking, and registration. The meeting program consists of three presentations that focus on the theme of "Libraries as Service" --

"Engaging a Campus to Transform a Library"
Elaine Logan and Julia Daniel Walkuski, University of Michigan-Dearborn

"Virtual Reference as Service: Addressing Patron Well-Being and Self-Efficacy"
Lisa Klopfer and Sara Memmot, Eastern Michigan University

"Community Building in the Academic Library: A Retention Strategy"
Laura Manley, Marygrove College

The early registration fee is $15.00 ($20.00 after April 3rd).  You can register online and pay online ... or you can register online and bring check or cash to the meeting as payment: http://semlolspring2015.eventbrite.com

Looking forward to seeing you in April.

Mariela Hristova
SEMLOL Executive Board, Chair
Southeastern Michigan League of Libraries
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