[Michlib-l] unionized staff at public libraries in Michigan

Sheryl Mase smase at mmll.org
Fri May 8 12:23:56 EDT 2015

Hello All,
I am making a report in Counting Opinions of libraries that have unionized staff.  The reports are made by selecting libraries, so I selected those that wrote back to me letting me know they have unionized staff and then made a report with other data from the annual report, but the list of libraries is the key data - those in the chart responded to me that they have unionized staff of one type or another.  I am not getting more specific than that at this point, but wanted to share what I have so far with you all.  I did hear from a number of libraries that are NOT unionized, but chose to list the ones that respond that they DO have unionized staff.  Here is the link:  http://www.countingopinions.com/pireports/report.php?4ea59397dcd07f45fc4ba97bdfbfb60a
If you have unionized staff and do not see your library listed, please let me know and I will add it.
Sheryl L. Mase, Interim Director
Mid-Michigan Library League
210 ½ N. Mitchell, Cadillac MI 49601
231-775-3037 or 800-968-0046
email: smase at mmll.org
website: http://mmll.org
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