[Michlib-l] Michigan Activity Pass and Read a Book Day

Brigette Felix bfelix at tln.lib.mi.us
Fri Sep 4 11:22:49 EDT 2015

September 6th is Read a Book Day - https://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/read-a-book-day/

Why not enjoy the Labor Day weekend with a good book and a visit to one of Michigan's beautiful state parks using the MAP program (http://www.michiganactivitypass.info)?  

Did you know that the DNR has a site that you can use to check the availability of a state park site?  

Here is the site: https://www.midnrreservations.com/Home.aspx

and here is an example of a picnic shelter/state park search for September 5th: https://www.midnrreservations.com/MichiganStateParks?List

Happy Read a Book Day!

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