[Michlib-l] Inclusive Practices at Cultural Institutions webinar series at the MSU Libraries 10/7, 10/14, 10/28

Schroeder, Heidi hschroed at mail.lib.msu.edu
Wed Sep 23 09:01:20 EDT 2015

**Please excuse cross-posting**

The Michigan State University Libraries<https://www.lib.msu.edu/> is pleased to announce that it will be hosting a 3-part webinar series related to accessibility and inclusion on October 7, 14, and 28 in the Reference Instruction Room in the Main Library. The webinar series, offered by the American Alliance of Museums and supported in part by a grant from the Institution of Museum and Library Services, is titled: Stories of Inclusion: Inclusive Practices at Cultural Institutions<http://www.aam-us.org/resources/online-programs/stories-of-inclusion-inclusive-practices-at-cultural-institutions> and will feature the following relevant topics for libraries, museums, archives and other cultural institutions:

*         October 7: ADA at 25 and Universal Design at Cultural Institutions;

*         October 14: Responding to Visitors who are Deaf, Hard-of-Hearing, Blind or with Low Vision;

*         October 28: Responding to Visitors with Cognitive Developmental and Emotional Disabilities.
The schedule for all three webinars is as follows: 1:30-2:00pm: registration/networking, 2:00-3:30pm: webinar, 3:30-4:30pm: post-webinar discussion.

There is NO cost to attend this webinar in-person at the MSU Libraries. Please RSVP using the online RSVP form<http://bit.ly/1KrNzqK>, selecting the East Lansing/Michigan State University Libraries location. You can choose to attend one, two, or all three webinars. If you're unfamiliar with the location of the MSU Main Library, please visit our address & visiting page<https://www.lib.msu.edu/libraries/address-visiting/>.

If you have any questions, please contact Heidi Schroeder<mailto:hschroed at msu.edu>.

Heidi M. Schroeder, MLIS
Science Collections Coordinator &
Nursing Librarian
Michigan State University Libraries
(517) 884-0899
hschroed at msu.edu<mailto:hschroed at msu.edu>

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