[Michlib-l] MeL Minute: Back to School Webinar via MCLS!!

Biggs, Deb Renee (MDE) BiggsD at michigan.gov
Thu Aug 11 17:01:02 EDT 2016

Hello All--Where has the summer gone? Could the start of school be far behind? Just in time, MCLS<http://mcls.org/> is starting up their popular monthly MeL databases webinars with a session titled "Back to School with MeL Resources". "The first weeks back at school are hectic for everyone. MeL Databases can help tweak your preparation and assist you with tools that facilitate educators and students ongoing academic success. Please join us on August 24, at 3:30pm Eastern, for a 30 minute webinar focused on MeL resources which provide educators the means to bolster student achievement." Registration<http://mcls.org/training-events/training-events-list/training-event/?ref_cID=198&bID=0&dd_asId=5196> is free and open to all Michigan library staff and educators. MCLS has a full complement of training workshops and webinars to support the library communities in Michigan and Indiana. Be sure to check their calendar of upcoming events<http://mcls.org/training-events/training-events-list/> for others you might be interested in.

MeL Minutes are brought to you by the Library of Michigan. Want more information on MeL? Stay tuned for next week's MeL Minute available on many Michigan library listservs, email us at contact at mel.org<mailto:contact at mel.org> or visit mel.org<http://mel.org/>. We encourage you to share MeL Minutes with your public service colleagues.

Stay cool!


D. R. Biggs, MA AMLS
Library Consultant/MeL & Library Outreach Coordinator
Library of Michigan/Michigan Department of Education
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