[Michlib-l] [rbailey at plymouthrocket.com: Re: I want to copy you!]

root root at mail2.mcls.org
Tue Dec 13 13:25:32 EST 2016

----- Forwarded message from Ric Bailey <rbailey at plymouthrocket.com> -----

Date: Tue, 13 Dec 2016 10:57:55 -0500
From: Ric Bailey <rbailey at plymouthrocket.com>
To: Jim Flury <jflury at tln.lib.mi.us>
Cc: rileyr1 <rileyr1 at michigan.gov>, Karren Reish <reishk at michigan.gov>, "Maia Turek (DNR)" <turekm at michigan.gov>, "Benjamin J. Puchala" <bpuchala at bcbsm.com>, "Miller Allen, Suzanne" <smallen at bcbsm.com>, Ann Conklin <aconklin at mparks.org>, Everyone <everyone at lists.tln.lib.mi.us>,
	partnerscda at lists.tln.lib.mi.us, michlib-l <michlib-l at mail2.mcls.org>
Subject: Re: I want to copy you!


Hey, that's great.  Let me know when you're going and I'll meet you there.
It'[s pretty cold here, too.  :)

Best regards,


On Tue, Dec 13, 2016 at 9:53 AM, Jim Flury <jflury at tln.lib.mi.us> wrote:

> Good Morning MAP Sponsors and Supporters,
> I wanted to share with you an email we received from the state librarian
> of North Carolina. Considering our current weather I am willing to travel
> to NC so as to provide that hands on, personal touch for MAP :)
> Jim
> Jim Flury
> Technical Services Manager
> The Library Network
> 41365 Vincenti Court
> Novi, MI 48375
> 248-536-3100 x133
> Fax 248-536-3098
> jflury at tln.lib.mi.us
> ----- Forwarded Message -----
> From: "Michigan Activity Pass" <michiganactivitypass at gmail.com>
> To: jpletz at tln.lib.mi.us, "Jim Flury" <jflury at tln.lib.mi.us>
> Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 9:19:33 AM
> Subject: Fwd: I want to copy you!
> Hi Jim & Jim,
> Here is the message from the North Carolina State Librarian.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Shepard, Caroline < cal.shepard at ncdcr.gov >
> Date: Fri, Dec 9, 2016 at 3:32 PM
> Subject: I want to copy you!
> To: " michiganactivitypass at gmail.com " < michiganactivitypass at gmail.com >
> Good afternoon!
> Public libraries in North Carolina are interested in developing a program
> similar to your Activity Pass program. I’ve been on your website and have
> reviewed lots of your materials. It’s obvious why the libraries are excited
> about the program. Can you provide me with information about what the
> benefits of such a program are for the sites involved? Many of our state
> sites rely on revenue for operating expenses and are, understandably,
> nervous about giving up any revenue. Any (and all) advice you can supply is
> most welcome.
> Thanks!
> Cal Shepard
> Cal Shepard
> State Librarian
> State Library of North Carolina
> North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources
> 919 807 7410 office
> 919 561 7966 mobile
> cal.shepard at ncdcr.gov
> 109 East Jones Street
> 4640 Mail Service Center
> Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-4600
> cid:image004.png at 01D0C310.30B97D20
> Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the
> North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.
> _____________________________________________________________
> Facebook Twitter Instagram YouTube

----- End forwarded message -----

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