[Michlib-l] News You Can Use from United for Libraries
White, Shannon (MDE)
WhiteS29 at michigan.gov
Wed Feb 3 10:50:25 EST 2016
The Library of Michigan provides a statewide membership for all library staff, Friends and Trustees in the national United for Libraries division of ALA.
Below you can find the latest news from United for Libraries.
To access members only resources, visit: http://www.ala.org/united/michigan
United for Libraries Welcomes the Horror Writers Association
The Authors for Libraries website now features thousands of horror writers around the country. United for Libraries and the Horror Writers Association have teamed up to connect writers and libraries through the searchable online database at www.authorsforlibraries.org<http://www.authorsforlibraries.org>. Authors are encouraged to reach out to their local libraries and libraries are invited to search the database for writers in their area who may be available for programming. Read more about the partnership here<http://raforallhorror.blogspot.com/2015/10/31-days-of-horror-day-3-horror-writers.html> and search for authors in your area at www.authorsforlibraries.org<http://www.authorsforlibraries.org>.
United for Libraries Staff Interviewed by ALA’s Washington Office
In December, ALA’s Grassroots Communications Specialist, Lisa Lindle, stopped by the United for Libraries office to interview our staff. You can see the video online at https://youtu.be/qsJxBoBNbZI. Get a peek at our offices, meet our staff, and hear more about how United for Libraries helps advocates, Foundations, Friends, and Trustees support and advocate for their libraries.
To learn more about the United for Libraries staff, please visit our website<http://www.ala.org/united/about/staff>.
United for Libraries is Here to Help
United for Libraries offers workshops, seminars, training, and technical assistance in a wide range of areas. Services can be customized to meet the needs of your library community and its supporters. In addition, we offer a budget-friendly alternative to on-site consulting -- Skype sessions. Groups of all sizes can receive professional consultation services via Skype at an affordable price. For more information on setting and defending policies, fundraising, restructuring your Friends group to attract new active member, and a host of other topics, please see the United for Libraries consulting options<http://www.ala.org/united/training> or email united at ala.org<mailto:united at ala.org> for details on skype and in-person consulting.
Virtual Library Legislative Day Allows Library Advocates to Contact Congress from Home
Virtual Library Legislative Day<http://www.ala.org/united/advocacy/virtuallegday> is part of the American Library Association’s (ALA) National Library Legislative Day<http://www.ala.org/advocacy/advleg/nlld>, held each spring in Washington, D.C. This year, National Library Legislative Day will be May 2-3, 2016 Virtual Library Legislative Day activities will be held throughout the week of May 2-3, 2016, and will be an opportunity for all library advocates to make their voices heard on a national level. Library advocates who cannot make it to Capitol Hill for the event can be a part of the effort by calling and/or emailing their elected officials on May 3, or any time the week of May 2-6. Visit this web page in late April for talking points to include when writing or calling your legislators. Bookmarks, flyers, and more details are available on the United for Libraries website<http://www.ala.org/united/advocacy/virtuallegday>.
If you are interested in attending National Library Legislative Day in person, check out the scholarship award<http://www.ala.org/advocacy/advleg/nlld/funding>. The White House Conference on Library and Information Services Taskforce (WHCLIST) and the ALA Washington Office are calling for nominations for the WHCLIST Award. Each year, the award is granted to a non-librarian participant in National Library Legislative Day (NLLD). The winner receives a stipend of $300 and two free nights at the NLLD hotel.
Meet ALA’s New Director of the Office for Intellectual Freedom
During the one hour recorded interview<http://ala.adobeconnect.com/p7o731qqxm1/>, Jamie LaRue shares stories of his journey to this position and answers questions about intellectual freedom and the initiatives of the office.
Shannon White
Library of Michigan
702 W. Kalamazoo
Lansing, MI 48909
Whites29 at michigan.gov
Check out the curated content on the LM homepage including state and national CE offerings, LM events, stats reports, headlines from around the library world and intriguing snapshots of our varied collections at http://michigan.gov/libraryofmichigan
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