[Michlib-l] Recording of Every Child Ready to Read - What are the Basics webinar

Reish, Karren (MDE) ReishK at michigan.gov
Tue Mar 8 15:41:00 EST 2016

You can find the recording for today's webinar at http://libraryofmichigan.adobeconnect.com/p8f4ydptyl8/. Registration for future webinars and links to recordings for future webinars are at www.michigan.gov/youthlibraryservices<http://www.michigan.gov/youthlibraryservices> in the Every Child Ready to Read section.

For those wondering about the Every Child Ready to Read program, you can attend a webinar on March 8th at 2 pm to hear about the basics from Sue McCleaf Nespeca before the full day workshops at the end of the month. You can sign up for the free webinar at http://www.solutionwhere.com/lom/cw/CourseByAlpha.asp.  The registration page also includes information on the rest of the webinar series Sue will be doing.

Karren Reish
Library Grants Coordinator
Library of Michigan
517-373-5700 f
reishk at michigan.gov<mailto:reishk at michigan.gov>

Visit our March is Reading Month website<http://www.michigan.gov/mde/0,4615,7-140-28753_65803-376051--,00.html> for motivating examples and activities that encourage purposeful reading for all Michiganders.

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