[Michlib-l] interesting question

Lisa Waskin lisaw at uproc.lib.mi.us
Tue Nov 29 15:50:11 EST 2016

I had an interesting question come up during a recent conversation with one
of my managers.  How would we accommodate and Amish resident of the SDL
wanting a library card since they don't have photo IDs, and I learned that
they also do not sign documents since their word is their bond.  (I'm also
going to talk to the banks because I can't imagine they can open an account
without proper ID and signature).  But my question is for any libraries that
have Amish patrons, and did you require a signature and some ID?  If not,
how did you handle it?  Do you have a written policy we can see?

Thank you so much,



Lisa Waskin, Director

Superior District Library

541 Library Drive

Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783

Ph. (906) 632-9331

Fax (906) 635-0210

lisaw at uproc.lib.mi.us <mailto:lisaw at uproc.lib.mi.us> 


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