[Michlib-l] Reminder: MeLCat Upgrade scheduled for Monday, 12/4 at 7AM

Megan Dudek dudekm at mcls.org
Fri Dec 1 15:32:57 EST 2017


The MeLCat central server (elibrary.mel.org) is scheduled for a software upgrade on Monday, December 4, beginning at 7 AM. We expect the server to be down for several hours. While the catalog may re-appear and be searchable, placing requests and other functionality as outlined below may not be fully restored. A message will be sent to the lists once it is fully available again.

MELCAT Implications

1. Users will be unable to place new MeLCat requests or directly search MeLCat (http://elibrary.mel.org.) Keyword searching will be available via MeL Discovery at http://search.mel.org, but MeLCat requests cannot be made, and the item status may not be current.

2. Users attempting to renew their MeLCat items may get a "server unavailable" message.

3. Library staff will be able to process requests & check out to patrons using DCB or your local Innovative/PolarisAPI system. Updates to the MeLCat central server from Innovative/PolarisAPI local servers and the DCB servers will sit in a queue until the central server comes back up.

4. All DCB data loading activities will continue as usual.

MYMELCAT Implications

1. The MyMeLCat link will not work, but there are alternative methods to access their patron records and review their MeLCat requests:

-- DCB libraries can use an alternative MyMeLCat link for their users:

[DCB1]  https://dcb1.mel.org/patroninfo

[DCB2]  https://dcb2.mel.org/patroninfo

[DCB3]  https://dcb3.mel.org/patroninfo

-- Innovative local sites:  MyMeLCat points to your local /patroninfo page.

MEL DATABASE Implications

1. MeL Discovery at http://search.mel.org will be available for database searching, however the current status of MeLCat results will not be accurate and requests for materials cannot be made.

2. The MeL databases at http://mel.org/Databases will verify that patrons are in Michigan based on the IP address of their computer.

-- If the IP isn't recognized as being in Michigan, patrons will not be able to remotely access the MeL Databases using their MeLCat login or driver's license information.

Please let us know if you have any questions at melcathelp at mcls.org<mailto:melcathelp at mcls.org>.

Thanks – Jackie

Jackie Licalzi
MeLCat System Administrator
Midwest Collaborative for Library Services (MCLS)
800-530-9019 Ext 146
licalzij at mcls.org<mailto:licalzij at mcls.org>

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