[Michlib-l] Looking for in-service trainers

Sheila Bissonnette SBissonnette at cityofclare.org
Thu Jan 5 12:55:43 EST 2017

I’m hoping to get some great recommendations for suggestions for a staff in-service training on the topic of communication? Security?  We have had Warren Graham (Black Belt Librarian) to our library (many many years ago)  I was thinking of maybe brining him back.  But I was also curious to learn of other topics/ideas for staff training.

Thanks so much for your input.

Happy 2017 everyone!


Sheila M. Bissonnette, MLIS
Library Director
Pere Marquette District Library & Harrison District Library

Pere Marquette District Library                                                          Harrison District Library
185 E. 4th Street                                                                                          105 E. Main Street
Clare, MI 48617                                                                                          P.O. Box 380
www.pmdl.org<http://www.pmdl.org/>                                                                                          Harrison, MI 48625
Phone:  (989) 386-7576 ext 4                                                                Phone: (989) 539-6711
Fax:        (989) 386-3576                                                                           Fax:        (989) 539-6301
Cell:       (989) 878-0450

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