[Michlib-l] Fwd: Don't miss this webinar on book clubs!

Biggs, Deb Renee (MDE) BiggsD at michigan.gov
Thu Oct 19 17:30:11 EDT 2017

Of interest?

Best, Deb

Deb Renee Biggs
Library Consultant & Michigan eLibrary Coordinator
Library of Michigan/MDE
biggsd at michigan.gov<mailto:biggsd at michigan.gov>
http://mel.org    http://facebook.com/mel.org

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Date: October 19, 2017 at 4:50:04 PM EDT
To: <biggsd at michigan.gov<mailto:biggsd at michigan.gov>>
Subject: Don't miss this webinar on book clubs!
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You're Invited!
Book Clubs: Your Community Connection
A free #NoveListConversations webinar

Register Now <http://go.ebsco.com/x0L0000U2l60HsN0JT0cJQ1>

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Thurs. Oct. 26

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2-3pm Eastern

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Thinking of starting a new book club at your library or revamping an existing group you inherited? Struggling with attendance or participation? Join NoveList for a look at book clubs and the factors that make them successful as we celebrate National Reading Group month. Our panel of book club hosts will discuss different types of book clubs (formal versus informal, general versus genre, and One Book, One Community programs), choosing books for your group, promoting your book club, and measuring the success of your program. Learn from their wide range of experiences, tips, and love of reading and readers.




Amanda Zuccarelli is an Adult Services Librarian at the Cherry Hill Public Library in NJ. She facilitates the library's book club, loves to give book recommendations, and has a knack for creating bookface pictures.



Robert Graves is a Public Services Librarian in Santa Monica, CA, and Chair of the City’s annual one city, one book program Santa Monica Reads. He is also a co-founder of YALLWEST, the nation’s biggest young adult book festival.



Jennifer Lohmann is a book club junkie. As a manager for Durham County Library, she ran as many as three book clubs at one time (and doesn’t recommend that to anyone). Currently working at NoveList, she continues to run the Romance Lovers’ Book Club.

Register Now <http://go.ebsco.com/x0L0000U2l60HsN0JT0cJQ1>


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