[Michlib-l] FW: Empowering Teens: Fostering the Next Generation of Advocates - Online Course

Lancaster, Catherine (MDE) LancasterC5 at michigan.gov
Fri Feb 23 14:59:01 EST 2018

Too cool not to share… There is a registration fee from LJ, details below.

Cathy Lancaster

Youth Services Coordinator
Library of Michigan
702 W. Kalamazoo St.
Lansing, MI 48915
LancasterC5 at michigan.gov<mailto:LancasterC5 at michigan.gov> | 517-335-8129 | www.mi.gov/libraryofmichigan<http://www.mi.gov/libraryofmichigan>
Follow us: Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/libraryofmichigan/> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/libraryofmich> | Instagram<https://www.instagram.com/libraryofmichigan/>

From: Library Journal Events [mailto:ljemail at libraryjournal.com]
Sent: Friday, February 23, 2018 11:21 AM
To: Lancaster, Catherine (MDE) <LancasterC5 at michigan.gov>
Subject: Empowering Teens: Fostering the Next Generation of Advocates - Online Course

Live Interactive Sessions Tuesdays from 2-4 PM ET: April 24 & May 8
Click here<http://mediasource.actonservice.com/acton/ct/10574/s-170c-1802/Bct/l-00ac/l-00ac:22aea/ct0_0/1?sid=TV2%3Ar5eOrzweX> to view this message in a browser window.

[Empowering Teens: Fostering the Next Generation of Advocates]<http://mediasource.actonservice.com/acton/ct/10574/s-170c-1802/Bct/l-00ac/l-00ac:22aea/ct1_0/1?sid=TV2%3Ar5eOrzweX>

Also Available On-Demand! Can’t make a live session? All sessions will be available to you ‘on-demand’ following the initial broadcast.
Course Overview:
We frequently tell teenagers that they are the future. It’s not true. Teens can be leaders in their communities and schools today. There are examples across the country of young people changing the world with their bravery and passion.
Teens want to make a difference and be advocates for the things they care about. Librarians working with young people are in a unique position to help them have an impact now - on their communities and schools - as well as develop the skills, confidence and approaches  that will enable them to advocate throughout their lives.

[Learn More]<http://mediasource.actonservice.com/acton/ct/10574/s-170c-1802/Bct/l-00ac/l-00ac:22aea/ct1_1/1?sid=TV2%3Ar5eOrzweX>

When you attend this interactive online course, you’ll learn from experienced leaders how to:

  *   Extend your outreach to young people and help them engage in advocacy
  *   Collaborate with teens to develop social justice programs in both the library and the community
  *   Partner with local and national organizations to build teen-centric programs
  *   Identify resources that will help you establish teen programs that are built around civic engagement
  *   Utilize best practices to create and sustain lifelong library users, advocates, and leaders
In addition to the live speaker sessions, you’ll work in small groups with facilitators experienced in producing compelling teen programming to complete assignments, share resources, and engage in active discussion boards that will ignite your thinking and fuel your efforts at your library.


Register<http://mediasource.actonservice.com/acton/ct/10574/s-170c-1802/Bct/l-00ac/l-00ac:22aea/ct1_2/1?sid=TV2%3Ar5eOrzweX> by Friday, March 23 to SAVE 20% on the registration fee.


(More to be announced in the coming weeks)

[Angel Tucker]

Angel Tucker
Youth Services Manager,
Johnson County
Public Library (KS)

[Deborah Takahashi]

Deborah Takahashi
Librarian, Pasadena Public Library (CA)

[Erin Hoopes]

Erin Hoopes
Library Supervisor,
Free Library of Philadelphia

[Izabel Gronski]

Izabel Gronski
Young Adult Librarian,
Oak Lawn Public Library (IL)

[Jane Gov]

Jane Gov
Youth Services Librarian,
Pasadena Public Library (CA)

[Regina Townsend]

Regina M. Townsend, MLIS
Teen Services & Outreach Librarian, Forest Park Public Library (IL)


[Learn More]<http://mediasource.actonservice.com/acton/ct/10574/s-170c-1802/Bct/l-00ac/l-00ac:22aea/ct1_3/1?sid=TV2%3Ar5eOrzweX>


Session Topics:
Opening Keynote: How Teens Can Make a Difference
In the opening session of Empowering Teens, you’ll hear what inspires teens to act in their communities and how library programming can support their efforts. You’ll come away with practical ideas for stoking the passions of your teen patrons rooted in their authentic interests and aspirations to influence change.
Teen-Driven Social Justice and Community Programs
How do you channel young people’s passions and interests to implement a teen-driven campaign that will benefit not only the library, but also the community at large? In this session you’ll gain resources, best practices and ideas on how to engage young adults in programs and events that can inspire them to make a lasting and impacting change on society.
Enabling Teen Advocacy Through Partnerships
Empowering teen advocates requires the support and buy-in of collaborators, including educators, library staff, and community partner organizations. In this session you’ll learn how to forge long-lasting partnerships, gain library/school buy-in, and create strong relationships with experts who can help teens find their adult voices.
Closing Keynote: How to Foster Teen Activism and Create Leaders of Today
Teens are often told that they are the future, but it’s becoming increasingly clear that they aren’t just the future, but the now. How can we support teens in their civic involvement and encourage them to access the power of their voices today? In this closing session of our workshop, you’ll learn how to help teens tap into their potential to change the world around them, starting now.

[Register Now]<http://mediasource.actonservice.com/acton/ct/10574/s-170c-1802/Bct/l-00ac/l-00ac:22aea/ct1_4/1?sid=TV2%3Ar5eOrzweX>

Register<http://mediasource.actonservice.com/acton/ct/10574/s-170c-1802/Bct/l-00ac/l-00ac:22aea/ct1_5/1?sid=TV2%3Ar5eOrzweX> by Friday, March 23 to SAVE 20% on the registration fee.

Group discounts are available!
Please contact Roger Jarman at rjarman at mediasourceinc.com
<mailto:rjarman at mediasourceinc.com?subject=Empowering%20Teens%20Online%20Course%20Group%20Discount%20Inquiry>or call (646) 380-0773 to check your eligibility.

Forward to a colleague<http://mediasource.actonservice.com/acton/ct/10574/s-170c-1802/Bct/l-00ac/l-00ac:22aea/ct2_0/1?sid=TV2%3Ar5eOrzweX>







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