[Michlib-l] Request For Proposal: Space Needs Assessment, Renovation, and Long Term Maintenance Program for the Webster Memorial Library

Dan Hutchins danthutchins at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 24 15:30:18 EST 2018

Request for ProposalSpaceNeeds Assessment, Renovation, and Long Term Maintenance Program for the WebsterMemorial Library,



TheVan Buren District Library invites proposals for professional services fromvendors with demonstrated experience, knowledge, and expertise in libraryplanning, design, architecture, and maintenance to conduct a needs assessment, developa plan for renovations of several areas, and maintenance program for theWebster Memorial Library. The Webster Memorial Library is located at 200 N.Phelps St, Decatur Michigan 49045.  

TheVan Buren District Library operates the public library system in Decatur, andat six other locations throughout Van Buren County.  The Webster location is the headquarters forthe Van Buren District Library.  TheWebster Memorial Library building is owned and maintained by The Webster Trust.The Webster Trust is responsible for building, renovating, and maintaining the physicalbuilding for the library.  In recentyears, the Trust has completely replaced the building’s HVAC system and updatedthe roof. 

Together,the Library and the Trust are seeking a plan for long term maintenance,upgrades and renovation to the building’s space so that we can meet the needsof our patrons and staff well into the future.

Building History

TheWebster Memorial Library was built in 1960. In 1991, after becoming a District Library, the library added anaddition to the north side of the building. The “new” section of our building houses the adult collection andcomputers.  The older section houses the children’smaterials, local history, and community room. Both sections of the building include a basement for storage, and thebasements do connect through a utility room. There is only one elevator in the building going to the basement in theold section.

Scope of Proposal

Thefirm selected will work with VBDL staff and the Webster Trust to assess theexisting library facility in terms of functional layout, flexibility for futureneeds, ADA compliance, aesthetics, staff and public needs, and relatedcriteria.  The scope specificallyincludes:

·      Assessing the building’s mechanicalsystems, including electrical, plumbing, HVAC, and structural, and determininga long term plan for maintenance and replacement

·      Determining the space and layouts ofthe library based upon current use, trends, and safety concerns

·      Developing a phased approach ofchange that allows for completion to progress in a logical, cost effectivemanner, minimizing disruption of library service to the community

·      Deciding which furniture andshelving may be reused in a new layout, and what furnishings need to bereplaced

·      Developing preliminary conceptualdesigns that show interior spaces with shelving and furniture layout

·      Work products will includeconceptual floor plans, preliminary designs, and/or architectural/mechanicaldrawings as appropriate to specific areas, as well as cost estimates

·      Presentation of plan to the LibraryBoard and Webster Trust

·      Administration of construction, ifwarranted

·      Purchasing of furnishings and othermaterials if warranted

Specific Needs Include

·      Public space: A comprehensivereconsideration of how space is used within the library building including the children’sarea, adult area, and local history.  Theplan must include a safer environment for children and a dedicated story timearea.

·      Staff workspace: A comprehensive reconsideration of staffworkstations and how space is used throughout the staff workroom and office;including replacement of furnishings

·      The community room:  Updating the community room, includingflooring, wall covering, and configuration

·      Bathrooms:  Updating the bathrooms, and possiblyexpanding them

·      Replacement of carpets and allcoverings throughout the building

·      Assessing exterior and interiormechanicals, including updates and projected life expectancy 

Proposal Requirements

·      A cover letter describing the firmor individual, including name, address, phone, email, and fax of the contactperson

·      A summary of the consultant’sexperience and qualifications

·      References for at least threeprevious clients

·      Examples of completed interior work

·      Examples of past projects that havecome in under budget and on or ahead of schedule

·      A quote of costs for providing theservices listed within the scope of the proposal

·      Any additional information deemedhelpful in the selection process

The VanBuren District Library reserves the right to waive irregularities in and/orreject any and all responses to this request for proposal.  In order to be considered for selection, youmust complete and deliver an electronic copy and one paper copy of the proposalby April 2, 2018 at 4:00 PM to:

VanBuren District Library, Attn: Dan Hutchins, Director

200N. Phelps, Decatur MI 49045

dhutchins at vbdl.org

 Dan Hutchins
Van Buren District Library
200 North Phelps Street
Decatur, MI 49045
dhutchins at vbdl.org
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