[Michlib-l] Storywalks

Dunseth Brenda bdunseth at highland.lib.mi.us
Mon Jul 23 13:48:36 EDT 2018


We had a homemade Storywalk(R) last year, it was so popular that we installed a permanent Storywalk(R) with posts and frames this year. It is on township property right next to the library. The homemade version was not stable, wind and rain would knock down the signs. The permanent signs do not fall over and are available even when the library is closed which is a plus for patrons and librarians. 

We had planned to only have 3 stories from June - August, one a month. Thankfully we had a nice donation from a girl scout group who wanted the money to go towards the Storywalk. With that donation we were able to purchase additional books in order to change the story every 2 to 3 weeks from May-October. 

We would love to begin a Storywalk(R) book exchange with other libraries in TLN who have their own permanent Storywalk(R). Anyone who is interested can contact me and we can try to come up with a plan for sharing stories. Our stories are not Braille-enhanced but I would love to look into that option. 

Brenda Dunseth 

From: "michlib-l" <michlib-l at mcls.org> 
To: "michlib-l" <Michlib-l at mcls.org> 
Sent: Monday, July 23, 2018 12:40:17 PM 
Subject: [Michlib-l] Storywalks 

Hello Fabulous Michigan Librarians! 

We are getting ready to install a permanent Braille-enhanced Storywalk(R) at the Livonia Bennett Civic Center Library and in the interest of accuracy, I was wondering how many other Michigan libraries (especially in the Detroit Metro area) have Storywalks(R). If you do have a Storywalk(R), would be so kind as to answer the following questions? 


1. Do you have a Storywalk(R) 
2. Is it permanent (meaning: are the signs cemented into the ground rather than removable yard signs)? 
3. Is it Braille-enhanced? 
4. How often do you change out stories? 
5. Is it on library property? 

Happy Monday! 

Karen M. Smith 
Assistant Branch Librarian - Head of Children's Services 
Livonia Public Library 
32777 Five Mile Road 
Livonia, Michigan 48154 
ksmith at livoniapubliclibrary.org 

"Are all librarians this much trouble?" ~Brendan Fraser in The Mummy Returns 

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