[Michlib-l] Program Recommendation - An Uncommon Criminal

Kelly Rembert krembert at southfieldlibrary.org
Fri Oct 12 10:26:05 EDT 2018


In digging through your family history have you ever come across a criminal and con artist?  This happened to Southfield Mayor and historian Ken Siver and he turned it into his latest book An Uncommon Criminal.  His great grandfather was an international con artist during his 70 year crime spree.  He pretended to be a doctor, war hero and more.  He'll talk about his great grandfather and how he and his family uncovered the true story of Edwin Turner Osbaldeston in an engaging talk and presentation complete with lots of pictures from an era when photography was not the norm.

Contact Ken to set up a program at kensonsilver at aol.com or 248-569-4286.

I've got a chance to see his presentation twice and found it very engaging and thought provoking.


Kelly Ireland Rembert
Outreach Librarian
Southfield Public Library
26300 Evergreen Rd.
Southfield, MI 48076

(248) 796-4367
krembert at southfieldlibrary.org

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