[Michlib-l] Kingsley Book Drop Cart Available for Sale

Kelly Bennett kelly at ferndalepubliclibrary.org
Thu Sep 6 15:07:30 EDT 2018

Hi all,

We've got a spare Kingsley book drop cart available for sale to any library
that's interested in coming to get it. It is similar to the one found at
this link:

I've attached photos, too.

Our Library Board would rather we sell it rather than give it away, so
we're interested in all reasonable offers. We'll compile all the offers we
receive and present them to the Board and then follow up with everyone who
was interested once we get our response.

Here's the measurements/specs:

The total height of the bin and wheels = 39.5 inches high
The bin is 26 inches on each side and is square
The bin itself minus the wheels is 35 inches high
It's got soft batting at the bottom, and a floating floor that moves down
as more items are put in it.

Works fine, we just have an extra we never use and the space that it's
stored in could be used more effectively.


Kelly Bennett
Head of Circulation, Ferndale Area District Library
kelly at ferndalepubliclibrary.org
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