[Michlib-l] Best practices guidelines

Norris, Sonya (MDE) NorrisS2 at michigan.gov
Thu Dec 12 07:55:54 EST 2019

Greetings Michigan Library Community,

This is a best practices update for posting to Michlib-l.

We welcome your participation on Michlib-l. There are a few guidelines that help improve the experience for everyone:

  1.  If you ask for group input on a topic, offer to collect the responses and then re-post them to the list so everyone can benefit. Be sure to embed those responses in the body of your message.
  2.  Please keep in mind when composing your messages that attachments are removed from posts for digest subscribers and in the archives. For maximum reach, embed the text you wish readers to see in the body of your message. If an attachment is especially important for its images, formatting or other reasons, upload it to your website and then link to it in your message to Michlib-l.
  3.  Do not post replies that are meant for one person to the entire list. You can accomplish this by using the "Reply" feature and not "Reply All."

And, of course, a little patience goes a long way. We've all accidentally posted something to a list that was only meant for one person so gentleness with each other is helpful as well.

Have a fabulous day in Library Land,

Sonya Schryer Norris
Library Consultant
Library of Michigan
Michigan Department of Education
Norriss2 at michigan.gov<mailto:Norriss2 at michigan.gov>


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