[Michlib-l] Registration is now open for New & Advanced Director Workshops

Atkin, Evette (MDE) AtkinE at michigan.gov
Tue Jul 9 16:38:34 EDT 2019


Registration is now open for the 2019 New & Advanced Director workshops!  Register now for the New Director<https://libraryofmichigan.z2systems.com/event.jsp?event=103&> and Advanced Director<https://libraryofmichigan.z2systems.com/event.jsp?event=247&> workshops. All new (or new to Michigan) public library directors must attend the New Director Workshop within 12 months of appointment.   If your new library is a Class 4 or higher, attendance at the Advanced Director workshop is required within 24 months of appointment.

  *   New Director Workshop - September 12, 2019<https://www.michigan.gov/libraryofmichigan/0,9327,7-381-88855_89737-230400--,00.html>
This is an annual one-day event that provides a wide range of information for new public library directors. Attendance at these workshops is necessary for director certification as part of the qualification criteria for state aid to public libraries.

  *   Advanced Director Workshop - September 13, 2019<https://www.michigan.gov/libraryofmichigan/0,9327,7-381-88855_89737-253288--,00.html>
This is a one-day event that will provide in-depth information on specific topics for new and experienced directors. Attendance at the workshops is necessary for director certification as part of the qualification criteria for state aid to public libraries. Current standards for state aid for public libraries require Classes 4 - 6 directors to complete the Advanced Directors Workshop within 2 years of initial appointment.

For registration issues, please contact Becky Wartella at wartellab at michigan.gov<mailto:wartellab at michigan.gov>.

Evette M. Atkin
Continuing Education Coordinator
Library of Michigan
atkine at michigan.gov<mailto:atkine at michigan.gov>

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