[Michlib-l] Can we help your library by having our students research, interview, or create a community profile?
Kristin Fontichiaro
font at umich.edu
Fri Jul 19 19:56:59 EDT 2019
Howdy, Mich-Lib!
The University of Michigan School of Information is seeking proposals for a
fall course titled Engaging with Communities, with
Professor Kristin Fontichiaro.
In this class, students will *research and create a community profile based
on an information need stated by your organization.* Let our students
research your community’s Census, demographic, consumer, and economic data,
conduct some interviews, and deliver results to you. This information can
help you with strategic planning and grantwriting – plus, our students can
sometimes ask the questions that you can’t!
We are specifically looking for cities, libraries, or non-profits in
communities under 25,000 people. The student's must be able to do research
based on a community with a defined geographic area (defined by zip codes,
census data, etc). This project is conducted virtually, and is of no charge
to your organization.
Our courses are also seeking remote/virtual opportunities for students to:
· Provide user experience and design recommendations for *websites, apps,
and software*
· Gather, manipulate, and analyze *data*
· Analyze or develop guidelines for *online communities*
· Establish and maintain internal *library systems* or *archival
For additional examples of work that can be performed by students, please
visit umsi.info/clientopportunities
You will find full project descriptions and project examples that
demonstrate the value of UMSI students’ work.
To propose a project, please fill out this *brief interest form*
by *Wednesday, July 31*. Requests submitted after this date will still be
considered. A member of our team will follow up within a week with
additional information on next steps. If you have any questions please
email umsi.client.engagement at umich.edu.
We encourage you to share this email with others who might be interested in
this opportunity.
Alissa Talley-Pixley
Assistant Director, Office of Professional and Community Engagement
UMSI Client Engagement
University of Michigan School of Information (UMSI)
Office of Professional and Community Engagement
777 N. University Ave., Suite 200
Ann Arbor, MI 48104-1611
umsi.client.engagement at umich.edu | http://www.si.umich.edu
Kristin Fontichiaro
University of Michigan School of Information
4427 North Quad
105 S. State St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1285
Blog <http://fontichiaro.com/activelearning> | Book an Appointment (school
year only)
Michigan Makers <http://michiganmakers.si.umich.edu> | Making in Michigan
Libraries <http://makinglibraries.si.umich.edu>
Data Literacy in High School <http://dataliteracy.si.umich.edu> | Public
Library Management MOOC
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