[Michlib-l] State Aid to Public Libraries

Webb, Kathy (MDE) WebbK1 at michigan.gov
Thu Nov 7 10:35:48 EST 2019


The new state aid rates have been computed for FY2020,  no change in per capita this disbursement year and will total $12,067,700. Per capita breakdown of $.39708 for direct and indirect state aid to public libraries. Cooperative per capita of $.397080 and a density payment of $7.94 per square mile.

The FY2020 Public Library Annual Report/State Aid Application report will be available for submission from October 1, 2019 and close on February 1, 2020. Payments will be processed as follows: 1st 50% payment will be made after your state aid/annual report is reviewed. The remaining 50% will be paid after July 1, 2019.  Please note that state aid reports are reviewed in the order that they are received. Reviews and first payments will begin after February 1, 2020

For a complete listing of the State Aid to Public Libraries Application Process, please visit the Library of Michigan website at: https://www.michigan.gov/documents/libraryofmichigan/State_Aid_to_Public_Libraries_Application_Process_544008_7.pdf

Thank you!

Kathy Webb
State Aid/Penal Fines
Library of Michigan
P.O. Box 30007
Lansing, MI 48909
Fax 517-335-1522

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month. Help raise awareness of Child Abuse Prevention by learning more from the Children's Trust Fund at www.michigan.gov/ctf<https://gcc01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.michigan.gov%2Fctf&data=02%7C01%7CWebbK1%40michigan.gov%7Ce0dcdaf0c3ad41b17e8108d6b76a2225%7Cd5fb7087377742ad966a892ef47225d1%7C0%7C0%7C636898063814968633&sdata=K%2FqOBOZR5NdmwuH%2FeIhkc%2B5emPkAeLg6w2TJAZbpl4Y%3D&reserved=0>

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