[Michlib-l] Discounts on MIRS Newsletters subscriptions available for MLA members

Rachel Ash rfash at milibraries.org
Wed Nov 13 12:21:46 EST 2019

MLA members can purchase discounted individual subscriptions to the MIRS newsletter.

Keep up on legislative and political news at the Capitol with breaking news alerts, weekly podcasts, highlights of the daily legislative results and an in-depth analysis of current issues in the House, Senate and administration with daily updates in an easy to read online format.

For a sample visit the MIRS website ( https://mirsnews.com/welcome.php) and then be sure to contact us at mla at milibraries.org<mailto:mla at milibraries.org> to subscribe at a discounted MLA member-only rate.

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Rachel Ash
Director of Membership, Communications & Marketing
Michigan Library Association
3410 Belle Chase Way, Suite 100
Lansing, MI 48911
Phone: (517) 394-2774 ext. 225
milibraries.org rfash at milibraries.org
<mailto:rfash at milibraries.org>

Follow MLA on Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/MichiganLibraryAssociation> and Twitter<https://twitter.com/mlaoffice>!

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