[Michlib-l] Free workshop 9/26: Senior (Citizens) Summer Camp for making and creativity

Kristin Fontichiaro font at umich.edu
Sun Sep 1 15:24:18 EDT 2019

tl;dr - Visit
register for our free September 26 workshop discussing our pilot project to
build a Senior Summer Camp for 55+. Also check out our
free-for-Michiganders Cutting-Edge Librarianship webinars series (
which starts September 17 with a fascinating workshop linking traditional
global crafting practices with contemporary coding activities.)


*Details: *In Summer 2019, the Ypsilanti District Library's Michigan Avenue
Branch and the University of Michigan School of Information piloted Senior
Summer Camp. Many senior citizens grapple with having downsized and a
reduction in in-home space for creative efforts, lower income in
retirement, increased isolation and loneliness, and loss of visual or
physical mobility. Our hypothesis was library-based maker programming could
provide social engagement, a sense of purpose, and new tools to facilitate
making. Our participants surprised us with what drew them to events, what
grabbed their attention, what made them return, and who they were. Our
participants had a strong desire to make beautiful things, structure early
retirement days, or socialize.

Over eight weeks, residents aged 55 and up were invited to participate in
90-minute sessions with a variety of traditional and digital tools. Each
week, new materials and processes were introduced, and previous weeks'
supplies remained available for repeat interactions. While our pilot
project was short, we see many opportunities for further exploration.

Join us for a to explore our Summer 2019 Senior Summer Camp pilot program
and take time to consider how its activities might be modified for your own
library's senior citizens.


Kayla Carucci, Doctoral Student, University of Michigan School of

Joy Cichewicz, Manager, Ypsilanti District Library Michigan Avenue Branch

Kristin Fontichiaro, Principal Investigator, Making in Michigan Libraries
Project, University of Michigan School of Information

Free parking is available behind the library. Additional street and public
parking is available nearby.

This workshop is made possible in part by the Institute for Museum and
Library Services RE-05-15-0021-15.

Questions? contactmichiganmakers at umich.edu

Free registration:
Kristin Fontichiaro
University of Michigan School of Information
4427 North Quad
105 S. State St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1285
Blog <http://fontichiaro.com/activelearning> | Book an Appointment (school
year only)

Michigan Makers <http://michiganmakers.si.umich.edu> | Making in Michigan
Libraries <http://makinglibraries.si.umich.edu>
Data Literacy in High School <http://dataliteracy.si.umich.edu> | Public
Library Management MOOC
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