[Michlib-l] Fwd: Signed up?

Anita Zelmon azelmon at lincoln-park.lib.mi.us
Mon Sep 2 14:46:36 EDT 2019

Sorry, my e-mail is: [ mailto:azelmon at lincoln-park.lib.mi.us | azelmon at lincoln-park.lib.mi.us ] 



From: "azelmon" <azelmon at lincoln-park.lib.mi.us> 
To: "michlib-l" <michlib-l at mcls.org> 
Sent: Monday, September 2, 2019 2:23:53 PM 
Subject: Signed up? 

Hello Ms. Lancaster: 

Am I signed up for everything related to Michlib and the CSLP? If not, could you please sign me up for e-mails, 
newsletters, etc. from your department. 

Thank you. 

Anita Zelmon 
Lincoln Park Public Library 
1381 Southfield 
Lincoln Park, MI 48146 
(313) 381-0374 
Cell: 248-217-0816 

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