[Michlib-l] Two job postings: Web Services and Discovery Librarian and College Archivist, Aquinas College MI

Shellie Jeffries shellie.jeffries at aquinas.edu
Fri Sep 13 12:12:39 EDT 2019

Aquinas College, Grand Rapids, MI, is seeking to add to its Library team.
We have two positions available.

*Web Services and Discovery Librarian (full time)*
This position is responsible for providing leadership for the Library’s web
and discovery services. It has primary responsibility for maintaining and
managing the Library’s website (Springshare hosted), discovery service and
library management system (Summon/Alma), and user experience assessment.
This position ensures the website is responsive and accessible, acts as the
Alma Administrator, and identifies emerging technologies. It also includes
general reference desk duties, instruction (teaching a one-credit
information literacy course as well as one-shot sessions), collection
development and liaison duties with selected academic departments, and
service on library and college committees.
Full job description
Submit your application online

Please note that this position will be starting on July 1, 2020 and the
deadline for applications is October 18, 2019. Candidates who will earn
their master's degree in Spring 2020 are encouraged to apply even if still
completing coursework.

*College Archivist (part time, 20 hours/week)*
This position is responsible for all aspects of acquisition, processing,
storage, preservation, access, reference, and outreach for archival records
at the College. The position develops, implements, and administers the
archives’ policies and procedures which provide access to the collections.
Full job description
Submit your application online

Deadline for applications is October 4, 2019.

*Shellie Jeffries | **Library Co-Director*
*Aquinas College*
1700 Fulton Street E *|* Grand Rapids, MI 49506
p 616.632.2130
e jeffrmic at aquinas.edu
aquinas.edu <https://www.aquinas.edu/library> *|* Facebook
 *|* Twitter <https://twitter.com/AQLibrary>
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