[Michlib-l] Fwd: Call for Proposals: MLA Spring Institute for Youth Services

Monica Porter monicadp at umich.edu
Mon Sep 30 15:33:57 EDT 2019

Hi everyone,

On behalf of the MLA Spring Institute's Work Group, we would like to share
a call on proposals for the 2020 conference in March!

If you have an interesting program that you would like to share - submit a
proposal!  If you have
a great collaboration that is all about young people and being inclusive -
submit a proposal!
If you are an expert and prefer panels - submit a proposal!

We welcome you and all of your ideas!

Monica Porter

Spring Institute program proposals due Nov. 8
September 24, 2019
MLA's Spring Institute for Youth Services
Call for Proposals
Call for Breakout Session Program Proposals and Cool Things My Library Does
Poster Presentations Now Open
Michigan Library Association's Spring Institute for Youth Services
"People First"
March 19-20, 2020
Sheraton Hotel, Ann Arbor
Submit a Proposal
Breakout Session Proposals are due Friday, November 8, 2019.

Cool Things My Library Does Proposals are due January 10, 2020.
You are invited to submit a proposal for a breakout session or poster
presentation at MLA's Spring Institute for Youth Services, March 19-20 at
the Sheraton Hotel in Ann Arbor.

This year the conference theme is People First, where we will aim to
educate and honor library staff and patrons through people-first practices
in hiring, advocacy, displays, programs and collections. By focusing on the
needs of our patrons and staff as a top priority and placing a high value
on respect we can empower growth within our own communities regardless of
our role within the library.

All topics are welcome to be proposed. Examples could be, but not limited
to: early literacy, diversity, coding/STEM, grants/fundraising, music,
personal development, collaboration, self-care, programming, collections
and management.

View detailed information
including the program guidelines and timeline and submit your proposal via
the online form.

Contact MLA Professional Development and Meetings Manager Amber Sheerin at
asheerin at milibraries.org
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*Monica Porter*

*U-M Library Information Resources Supervisor, BS, MLIS*

*Access & Information Services*

*Substitute Librarian, Ypsilanti District Library*

*monicadp at umich.edu <monicadp at umich.edu>734-764-5745*

*pronouns: she, her, hers*

*"Just because I am a librarian, doesn't mean I have to dress like one."*

-*-Bella da Costa Greene*

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