[Michlib-l] Great Michigan Read virtual book discussions

Katie Wittenauer kwittenauer at mihumanities.org
Wed Dec 9 13:58:27 EST 2020

Hi, Lisa and all --

As we hear about partner-hosted Great Michigan Read events, we will work to get them updated here<https://www.michiganhumanities.org/great-michigan-read/events-and-tour-dates/> on our Michigan Humanities site. Though it is primarily showing upcoming author events and past partner events right now, I've been in touch with several GMR partners and anticipate that we'll have some updates for public events to share in the weeks ahead!

Also, if anyone is interested in registering for the current Great Michigan Read, we still have copies of What the Eyes Don't See and the reader's guide/teacher's guide materials available, and several months remaining in this program cycle. Once registered, you are also eligible for up to $750 in GMR Action Grants, so visit this page<https://www.michiganhumanities.org/become-a-2019-20-great-michigan-read-partner/> if you're interested in registering!

Thanks so much,

Katie Wittenauer
Director of Programs
Michigan Humanities
2364 Woodlake Drive, Suite 100
Okemos, MI 48864
(517) 372-7770, ext. 294


From: Lisa Waskin <lisaw at uproc.lib.mi.us>
Sent: Wednesday, December 9, 2020 10:26 AM
To: 'michlib-l' <michlib-l at mcls.org>
Subject: [Michlib-l] Great Michigan Read virtual book discussions

I have a question for the collective mind, which I hope is much clearer than mine at the moment.  I seem to remember seeing a list of virtual book discussion events in the past week or two for the Great Michigan Read book.  I have done several searched in my email boxes, but can’t seem to find it now.  Does anyone else have this list, or did I just dream it?

Thank you,


Lisa Waskin, Director

Superior District Library

541 Library Drive

Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783

Ph. (906) 632-9331

Fax (906) 635-0210

lisaw at uproc.lib.mi.us<mailto:lisaw at uproc.lib.mi.us>

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