[Michlib-l] Child Abuse Prevention Month - April

Mary Jo Vortkamp mvortkamp at detroitpubliclibrary.org
Mon Feb 10 13:15:39 EST 2020

Hi Michigan Team,

Please feel free to share these Child Abuse Prevention Month resources with anyone that can use them (schools, community organizations, etc)!



The good news is that we are now focusing on protective factors to prevent child abuse!

Also in Michigan the Children's Trust Fund has local councils we can network with

The following presents the 12 protective factors with the strongest evidence to date for victims of child abuse and neglect.
Individual Level
Sense of purpose
Agency (self-efficacy)
Self-regulation skills
Relational skills
Problem-solving skills
Involvement in positive activities
Relationship Level
Parenting competencies
Positive peers
Parent or caregiver well-being
Community Level
Positive school environment
Stable living situation
Positive community environment

(from https://www.childwelfare.gov/pubPDFs/victimscan.pdf#page=1&view=Why%20focus%20on%20protective%20factors? )

Print copies of many resources are free, you can order more by calling.

Have a great month!

Mary Jo

Mary Jo Vortkamp B.A., M.L.I.S.

Manager and Children's Librarian

Franklin Branch of the Detroit Public Library

13651 E. McNichols

(313) 481-1742

Hours: M, W & S 10-6 T & Th 12-8

[DPL Logo]<http://www.detroitpubliclibrary.org>
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