[Michlib-l] Determining Residency and Millages for Public Library Cards

Adrianne Schinkai amschinkai at gmail.com
Thu Feb 13 13:06:54 EST 2020

Hello everyone,

In the past, my library has used American Factfinder
<https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/index.xhtml> to help
determine where millages are paid and how classifications for residency are
determined for our library cards. We were basically able to punch in an
applying patron’s address into the system
and based on the Economic Place results, we were able to easily determine
the classification.

However, American Factfinder is going offline on March 31st and we are
having some issues with navigating the Census Data website thus far. As I
am waiting to hear a reply from the Census Data website of whether this
feature will be part of the migration or going obsolete, we are exploring
other options, such as working with Google Maps. Nothing is showing the
ease of access we are hoping for thus far.

Would anyone mind sharing their foolproof go to for determining residency
and where mileages are paid?

Thanks in advance for your help and advice.
Adrianne M. Schinkai

   - Head of Reference and Circulation Services
   - Vicksburg District Library, Vicksburg, MI
   - Work Email <aschinkai at vicksburglibrary.org>
   - Personal Email <amschinkai at gmail.com>
   - LinkedIn Account <https://www.linkedin.com/in/amschinkai/>

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