[Michlib-l] 2 free copies of book

Marika Zemke mzemke at commercelibrary.info
Thu Jan 9 10:24:34 EST 2020

All, the books have been claimed.

Marika Zemke

Hi, I have 2 hardcover copies of the book "Driving Miss Norma: One Family's
Journey Saying "YES" to Living" by Tim Bauerschmidt to give away. It's a
wonderful nonfiction book for book clubs and has a Michigan connection ad
Norma lived her entire life in Presque Isle, Michigan. Rumor has it that a
movie is in the works.

On Thu, Jan 9, 2020 at 10:15 AM Marika Zemke <mzemke at commercelibrary.info>

> Hi, I have 2 hardcover copies of the book "Driving Miss Norma: One
> Family's Journey Saying "YES" to Living" by Tim Bauerschmidt to give away.
> It's a wonderful nonfiction book for book clubs and has a Michigan
> connection ad Norma lived her entire life in Presque Isle, Michigan. Rumor
> has it that a movie is in the works.
> Marika
> --
> Marika Zemke - Adult Services Manager
> Commerce Township Community Library
> 180 East Commerce
> Commerce Township, MI 48382
> Direct Line 248-438-8163
> Fax 248-387-6236
> mzemke at commercelibrary.info

Marika Zemke - Adult Services Manager
Commerce Township Community Library
180 East Commerce
Commerce Township, MI 48382
Direct Line 248-438-8163
Fax 248-387-6236
mzemke at commercelibrary.info

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