[Michlib-l] Tomorrow at 11am Eastern- The Castleberry Case: Information Science meets Information Technology

Shannon White - Library of Michigan whites29 at michigan.gov
Thu Jul 30 14:26:52 EDT 2020

Interested in digital inclusion and technology innovation during COVID.
See below…

"What is a School(!) if the Building is Closed?” Part 17: Libraries in Response

Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/what-is-a-school-if-the-buildings-closed-p17-libraries-in-response-tickets-115117581786

Hope you can make it tomorrow at 11am EDT / 1500 UTC to meet some heroes and hear their stories.

As the US stumbles forward to open school this fall, all the nearly insoluble challenges are coming into sharp focus. Too many to even list here. But tomorrow, with help from Castleberry ISD, we will dive in!

It’s been over a month since we’ve heard from a librarian outside the US. Apologies for this recent lack of diversity, but since the US seems to have distinguished itself as nearly helpless in response to the pandemic, the comparisons have seemingly grown less similar. But maybe not!  Let’s find out tomorrow when we pick up the international thread with reports from UK libraries.


Isobel Hunter, Chief Executive of Libraries Connected<https://gcc01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.librariesconnected.org.uk%2F&data=02%7C01%7CWhiteS29%40michigan.gov%7Ca5c0800b294345a11f5c08d834ab0e73%7Cd5fb7087377742ad966a892ef47225d1%7C0%7C0%7C637317256574891131&sdata=xCyKD6M9uyk8FXJUdZ6rzQhoiHVE6glUErtrq4qNMVw%3D&reserved=0>. "Formerly known as the Society of Chief Librarians (SCL), Libraries Connected will support and advocate for the power of libraries at the heart of local communities.” Isobel will update on happenings in the UK over past 5 months and describe the many innovative ways libraries there are responding to the crisis.

Heather Lamb, Castleberry ISD head librarian will walk us through the districts’s strategy to recreate school as a distributed environment. The district plans to not open until late Sept., yet school MUST happen in the meantime. Part of the response is the Grab & Go Library<https://gcc01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cisdbooksandbytes.org%2F&data=02%7C01%7CWhiteS29%40michigan.gov%7Ca5c0800b294345a11f5c08d834ab0e73%7Cd5fb7087377742ad966a892ef47225d1%7C0%7C0%7C637317256574901092&sdata=ZwtQBi1%2BNtyeAi3nWg7uVc78obQ2BmjmvYJyDeXyiGs%3D&reserved=0>.

As part of GLN’s ongoing wireless thread, Heather’s partner, Jacob Bowser, who heads ICT for Castleberry, will show an already in-use wide area system to connect students around the district using CBRS.<https://gcc01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.networkworld.com%2Farticle%2F3180615%2Ffaq-what-in-the-wireless-world-is-cbrs.html&data=02%7C01%7CWhiteS29%40michigan.gov%7Ca5c0800b294345a11f5c08d834ab0e73%7Cd5fb7087377742ad966a892ef47225d1%7C0%7C0%7C637317256574901092&sdata=QGb3ceL6JetylmMRctPpz3CgZSuSiPIT%2BL0S7hrnow8%3D&reserved=0>

You won’t want to miss this one. If you can’t make it, watch for the recording on the Pandemic Response page at GigLibraries.Net<https://gcc01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fgiglibraries.net%2F&data=02%7C01%7CWhiteS29%40michigan.gov%7Ca5c0800b294345a11f5c08d834ab0e73%7Cd5fb7087377742ad966a892ef47225d1%7C0%7C0%7C637317256574901092&sdata=QROrtn58bvwFTyjLGfnE5wY7dnM2p9%2BSK9abAUyk3aI%3D&reserved=0> where the 16 prior session recordings are archived.

As ever bring your ideas and questions. And please share this invitation with your networks!

And a good news story from Pottsboro, TX: Internet access stations to be placed in Pottsboro neighborhoods<https://gcc01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.kxii.com%2F2020%2F07%2F24%2Finternet-access-stations-to-be-placed-in-pottsboro-neighborhoods%2F&data=02%7C01%7CWhiteS29%40michigan.gov%7Ca5c0800b294345a11f5c08d834ab0e73%7Cd5fb7087377742ad966a892ef47225d1%7C0%7C0%7C637317256574911052&sdata=m33qIBg%2BFvG7YAaTlUwpG8RbSgI4LZFx4Wwk3hHjKaI%3D&reserved=0>!! This is the idea!!!

(Mark your calendar for 8/7 when we’ll have the estimable David Lankes<https://gcc01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdavidlankes.org%2F&data=02%7C01%7CWhiteS29%40michigan.gov%7Ca5c0800b294345a11f5c08d834ab0e73%7Cd5fb7087377742ad966a892ef47225d1%7C0%7C0%7C637317256574911052&sdata=4EGgMhgvVNRXwrscusmsrVTHFpxqthyCerecMzvxtMc%3D&reserved=0> join plus a team from the Drucker Institute to demo a new Life Long Learning system.)

See you then!
GLN Team

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