[Michlib-l] sick patrons
Perri Saunders
p.saunders at woodlands.lib.mi.us
Thu Mar 12 13:18:44 EDT 2020
Does your library have a policy/procedure in place for when a visibly sick
patron comes in to use the library?
Are we able to ask them to leave?
I don't want to infringe on anyone's rights to use the library, but we have
to protect our staff and patrons. When someone comes in coughing and
obviously ill with a cold, flu, or whatever, what can be done?
Thanks for your wisdom!
Perri Saunders, Director
White Pigeon Township Library
102 N. Kalamazoo St., P.O. Box 399
White Pigeon, MI 49099
*p.saunders at woodlands.lib.mi.us <p.saunders at woodlands.lib.mi.us> *
*Brighten the corner where you are.*
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