[Michlib-l] Free online "field trips" and activities to share with patrons

Reed, Nyama N.Reed at wfblibrary.org
Mon Mar 16 16:09:52 EDT 2020

Here is a great list of resources that the Literacy Center at Cardinal Stritch University (Glendale, WI) shared.
Many people, companies, and organizations are offering free resources for families in order to help students continue learning while schools are closed.  Here is a list of just a few of the resources.

Charter will be offering free Spectrum broadband and Wi-Fi access for 60 days to households with K-12 or college students who do not currently have service.  It will start Monday, March 16, and be available for 60 days.  You must call 1-844-488-8395 to enroll. It will also open its Wi-Fi hotspots for public use.
Monday, March 16 - Dan Gutman (author) will read parts of his new book live on Facebook at 1:00 p.m. Central Time. https://www.facebook.com/Dan-Gutman-60020139122/
Beginning March 16, the Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden will live stream Home Safari once each day from its Facebook page.  Check the page for details. https://www.facebook.com/cincinnatizoo
www.scholastic.com/learnathome has articles, stories, videos, and fun learning challenges free for up to 3 hours per day.
www.storylineonline.net/ is a free literacy program where actors read to children.
Rivet is a free app that families can download with thousands of leveled readers.  You can download the app at Google Play.
www.getepic.com/ is a digital library of books aimed at children under 12.  It is free for educators, and you can join free for 30 days.
www.learninga-z.com is offering free Raz-Kids and/or Headsprout through the end of the school year.  Make sure to subscribe to Raz-Kids for the trial.
The Florida Center for Reading Research has many free activities to do with children. https://fcrr.org/resources/index.html
Khan Academy schedules for school closures has preschool to grade 12 activities. https://bit.ly/2UaBq1F
http://www.amazingeducationalresources.com/ has a Google form with a list of educational resources.  They also have a Facebook page.
Adventures in Familyhood identified 20 virtual field trips that you can take with your family. https://adventuresinfamilyhood.com/20-virtual-field-trips-to-take-with-your-kids.html
Here is a list of over Over 30 Virtual Field Trips. https://bit.ly/3aYGTiK

Have a wonderful day,

Nyama Y. Reed (she / her / hers)
Library Director
N.Reed at WFBLibrary.org
414-755-6551 (direct line)

Whitefish Bay Public Library
5420 North Marlborough Drive
Whitefish Bay, WI 53217
414-964-4380 (main line)

Our Mission
The Whitefish Bay Public Library, as a cornerstone of the community, is dedicated to connecting people of all ages, inspiring a love of learning and providing easy access to ideas, information and resources.

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