[Michlib-l] RBdigital Services: Go Live Now With 13 Month (April 1, 2020 Through April 30, 2021) Pricing
Jim Flury
jflury at tln.lib.mi.us
Thu Mar 19 13:38:48 EDT 2020
Good Afternoon,
Just a quick update to the below. With libraries closed through March 30, 2020 I have been getting many calls and emails concerning provision of digital product for remote use by patrons. That's great. One easy way to do this is the addition of magazines, audiobooks, comics, newspapers and streaming video from RBdigital. Although the "official" contract period for this TLN contracted service is May 1, 2020 through April 30, 2021 the majority of my referenced calls and emails this morning have concerned requests for an early start to the service(s), as in asap. To that end we can and do offer 13 month pricing, April 1, 2020 through April 30, 2021, but with an actual go live sometime before April 1, 2020.
Please let me know if you are interested in a price quote for any of the five RBdigital services for your library.
Jim Flury
Jim Flury
Technical Services Manager
The Library Network
41365 Vincenti Court
Novi, MI 48375
[ callto:248-536-3100 | 248-536-3100 ] , ext 133
Fax [ callto:248-536-3098 | 248-536-3098 ]
[ mailto:jflury at tln.lib.mi.us | jflury at tln.lib.mi.us ]
A couple of new items of business concerning our statewide, discounted pricing agreement with Recorded Books for the five RBdigital services listed below:
1. Many libraries have taken part in the webinar with Mark Haley. If you haven't had a chance to attend, below is a link to a recording of the webinar:
[ https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__recordedbooks0-2Dmy.sharepoint.com_personal_mhaley-5Frecordedbooks-5Fcom_-5Flayouts_15_onedrive.aspx-3Fid-3D-252Fpersonal-252Fmhaley-255Frecordedbooks-255Fcom-252FDocuments-252F2020-252D02-252D20-252012-252E01-2520Mark-255Fs-2520Meeting-252Emp4-26amp-3Bparent-3D-252Fpersonal-252Fmhaley-255Frecordedbooks-255Fcom-252FDocuments-26amp-3BoriginalPath-3DaHR0cHM6Ly9yZWNvcmRlZGJvb2tzMC1teS5zaGFyZXBvaW50LmNvbS86djovZy9wZXJzb25hbC9taGFsZXlfcmVjb3JkZWRib29rc19jb20vRVh6Z0M2NjI0YUpDa3VMREFfbUl5TTBCZWVYdlBISmMzRDFlb0FvSkhMMmROdz9ydGltZT11WmRNWnkzQjEwZw&d=DwQGaQ&c=euGZstcaTDllvimEN8b7jXrwqOf-v5A_CdpgnVfiiMM&r=VZwzE-ihmVk8MWnuOKeBhdzjlCVxa_pma10LdYu6QtI&m=rYkMZ4_zef0O73JOeUcqeZmT8Tv3OO15Gbs-w2UcVp0&s=1_oCk-Tv1uQnFSDX4bzt00iNOGAG4f9vCuYti7ag0ls&e= ] [ https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__recordedbooks0-2Dmy.sharepoint.com_personal_mhaley-5Frecordedbooks-5Fcom_-5Flayouts_15_onedrive.aspx-3Fid-3D-252Fpersonal-252Fmhaley-255Frecordedbooks-255Fcom-252FDocuments-252F2020-252D02-252D20-252012-252E01-2520Mark-255Fs-2520Meeting-252Emp4-26amp-3Bparent-3D-252Fpersonal-252Fmhaley-255Frecordedbooks-255Fcom-252FDocuments-26amp-3BoriginalPath-3DaHR0cHM6Ly9yZWNvcmRlZGJvb2tzMC1teS5zaGFyZXBvaW50LmNvbS86djovZy9wZXJzb25hbC9taGFsZXlfcmVjb3JkZWRib29rc19jb20vRVh6Z0M2NjI0YUpDa3VMREFfbUl5TTBCZWVYdlBISmMzRDFlb0FvSkhMMmROdz9ydGltZT11WmRNWnkzQjEwZw&d=DwQGaQ&c=euGZstcaTDllvimEN8b7jXrwqOf-v5A_CdpgnVfiiMM&r=VZwzE-ihmVk8MWnuOKeBhdzjlCVxa_pma10LdYu6QtI&m=9dskc5oZEApFKXxY3ZTPR7O5izHg4__eNVo5S9drb9c&s=sem98_ArRQHnsuNS24qXjs1biGh2nE1OLlQqsRHuPoI&e= | https://recordedbooks0-my.sharepoint.com/personal/mhaley_recordedbooks_com/_layouts/15/onedrive.aspx?id=%2Fpersonal%2Fmhaley%5Frecordedbooks%5Fcom%2FDocuments%2F2020%2D02%2D20%2012%2E01%20Mark%5Fs%20Meeting%2Emp4&parent=%2Fpersonal%2Fmhaley%5Frecordedbooks%5Fcom%2FDocuments&originalPath=aHR0cHM6Ly9yZWNvcmRlZGJvb2tzMC1teS5zaGFyZXBvaW50LmNvbS86djovZy9wZXJzb25hbC9taGFsZXlfcmVjb3JkZWRib29rc19jb20vRVh6Z0M2NjI0YUpDa3VMREFfbUl5TTBCZWVYdlBISmMzRDFlb0FvSkhMMmROdz9ydGltZT11WmRNWnkzQjEwZw ]
2. There has been a very good response from libraries to this offer, from all across the state. As that is the case, we are extending the discounted price terms until March 31 , 2020. Please note we can and do accommodate pro-rated start dates. In other words, if your new fiscal year is July 1 and you wish to time your start of the new service in order to coincide with that, all you need do is commit to the new service by March 31 , 2020 . Regardless of start date, all four of the subscription based products covered by this offer (Magazines, Audiobooks, Comics, Newspapers) will have a common expiration date of April 30 , 2021.
Finally, a number of libraries have asked for an explanation as to how pricing works for the fifth service, Streaming Video, that is covered by this offer. Under the terms of our agreement with Recorded Books the annual platform fee for Streaming Video, which ranges from $250.00 for a Class 1 library to $5,000.00 for the highest circulation Class VI libraries, that annual platform fee is waived. Between the ---'s is an explanation from Mark Haley as to the pricing model used for Streaming Video:
The RBdigital Unlimited Streaming Video service is based on a 7-Day Unlimited Use Access Pass. A patron that checks out a 7-Day Unlimited Pass costs the library $2.99. The patron can for seven days watch Unlimited Videos from the channel they have selected. The Patrons can watch 2 or 2000 video episodes, the cost to the library is $2.99 per channel per patron.
On the 8 day, the patron would need to checkout another 7-Day Unlimited Access Pass. This pass can be checked out any day of the week, and the 7 Day Access starts on the moment they checkout the Pass. It is NOT a calendar week, it’s a 7 Day Pass and can be checked out anytime.
For Example: Jane P. Doe checks out an AcornTV channel 7-Day Access Pass on Monday evening at 7 PM,. She now has Unlimited Access to AcornTV until Monday at 7 PM of the next week. Jane can watch completely unlimited AcornTV for these 7 Days. Any show, any episode, all day every day. The library pays $2.99.
If Jane also wants to watch THE GREAT COURSES channel. The library would be charged $2.99 when she checks out a 7 Day Access Pass for that channel. If she checks out this pass at 6 AM on Saturday morning, then she would have access until 6 AM the next Saturday . She could then checkout a fresh pass.
We can place limits on the Passes! Although, I don’t have a single library that has adopted limits, they are available. Annual Limits, Monthly Limits. Also I can limit a patron to one Unlimited Access channel per week.
Please contact me if you would like additional information, a list of available content, and/or a price quote for any of the five RBdigital services covered by the terms of this discounted price offer.
Again, the new deadline to commit to any of these services, with a pro-rated start date after May 1 , 2020 if needed, is Tuesday, March 31 , 2020 .
Jim Flury
Technical Services Manager
The Library Network
41365 Vincenti Court
Novi, MI 48375
[ callto:248-536-3100 | 248-536-3100 ] , ext 133
Fax [ callto:248-536-3098 | 248-536-3098 ]
[ mailto:jflury at tln.lib.mi.us | jflury at tln.lib.mi.us ]
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