[Michlib-l] New Opportunities in Adult Programming Meeting Notes and Recording from May 18 Here

Shannon White - Library of Michigan whites29 at michigan.gov
Mon May 18 17:44:19 EDT 2020

If you were unable to join us today for the weekly virtual meeting, New Opportunities in Adult Programming, be sure to take a look at our Google space for notes and resources from each week's discussion.

Today Don La Barre, Head Librarian, Special Collections at the public library in Alpena presented on their virtual work around Preservation Week in April this year. We also heard about telephone programming options. Check out the meeting notes for more details.

This link https://bit.ly/lm-adult takes you to the folder that contains, slides, chat logs, and meeting notes.

  *   Recording links will remain available for a few weeks and can be found at the top of each week's notes.

  *   The link to join the online meetings is also listed at the tip of the notes document. We use the same link and telephone number each week so all you need is this Google folder URL here to find answers to all your questions.

  *   On Monday, June 1, we will be back with another discussion at 10:00 am eastern related to adult programming in this new and fast changing environment.

https://michigan-host.zoom.us/j/98381393043?pwd=YkJJUkdGZFV5VEVvckVJY3g3R3huUT09  <https://michigan-host.zoom.us/j/98381393043?pwd=YkJJUkdGZFV5VEVvckVJY3g3R3huUT09%20%20> Password: 340524
Telephone: 216 706 7005 OR 8664345269 (US Toll Free) Conference code: 579192

Let us know if you have questions about anything and thank you for joining us again today.

Shannon White
Library of Michigan, 702 W. Kalamazoo, Lansing, MI 48909
Whites29 at michigan.gov<mailto:Whites29 at michigan.gov>  517-335-1507 | www.mi.gov/libraryofmichigan<http://www.mi.gov/libraryofmichigan>
Schedule: Tue-Fri, 8-5

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