[Michlib-l] Program invite

Jennifer Hassell Jennifer.Hassell at FarmLib.org
Sat Nov 14 14:34:05 EST 2020

Michigan Librarians!

Troy Public Library and the Farmington Community Library have partnered to host the following informative (and much needed!) presentation.  You, your patrons, anyone can register directly via Zoom at the link below.

"During these contentious times finding effective ways to communicate can be challenging.  It is especially important in today's polarized society to learn how to maintain relationships and handle conflict competently. This fall, Michigan State University Extension is launching a special self-paced certificate course called "Communicating through Conflict". Lindsey Gardner, MSU Extension Educator, will be sharing her tips for self-management in heated situations, strategies for deescalating conflict with others and more about MSU Extension's certificate program."


Feel free to share the link and use the attached image if you'd like.  We hope many of you and those in your community can join us!

Jen Hassell
Adult Services Librarian
Farmington Community Library
jennifer.hassell at farmlib.org
248-553-0321 ext 217

"I see libraries and librarians as frontline soldiers in the war against illiteracy and the lack of imagination." - Neil Gaiman
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