[Michlib-l] career posting

Farmington Residents restore.our.library at gmail.com
Thu Oct 29 12:55:29 EDT 2020

Before any professionals apply for these postings, you should be aware that
these positions are being posted while Farmington Community Library staff
are still furloughed. For more details, and the full story about what is
happening at the Farmington Community Library, please visit

All the best,
Restore FCL Action Group

On Thu, Oct 29, 2020 at 12:33 PM Crystal Peterson via Michlib-l <
michlib-l at mcls.org> wrote:

> Crystal C. Peterson
> Executive Assistant
> Farmington Community Library <http://www.farmlib.org/>
> 32737 West Twelve Mile Rd., Farmington Hills, MI 48334
> Ph: *248-848-430 <248-848-4302>3*  Fax: 248-553-6892
> _______________________________________________
> Michlib-l mailing list
> Michlib-l at mail3.mcls.org
> https://mail3.mcls.org/mailman/listinfo/michlib-l

-Restore FCL Action Group
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