[Michlib-l] Social Media Protocol (Kim True)

Karyn Ruley kruley at uproc.lib.mi.us
Wed Apr 14 18:34:20 EDT 2021

Hi, Kim -

  While I understand I have not seen the comments you are referring to and
acknowledge they may be rude, I can also imagine there may be some that are
there to simply disagree with the content highlighting diversity and

  Some questions to consider are: Is that content truly necessary in your
area? Are you having actual problems with individuals not feeling included?
If your content is media, are you highlighting diversity for diversity's
sake or are you truly bringing culture to the community that is of interest?
Are you posting content that many would consider political, even if you
personally disagree, and  therefore alienating a portion of your patronage?
Are you pushing the idea that "white" people, a large part of your patronage
I'm sure, are racist, oppressive, or must take an apologetic stance for
themselves or their country in some way? You may not be, but those ideas
tend to go along with the topic these days and some may be offended while
making this assumption. Just a possibility...I'm suggesting a "put yourself
in their shoes" approach.

  I've been finding that the topics of race, equity, inclusivity, etc.  -
anything stemming from critical race theory have been infiltrating
everything, including the library world. We need to be very careful not to
use libraries for activism and to remain neutral territory. The operative
word above is THEORY. Not everyone agrees about the size, nature or solution
of this particular problem. As libraries we should not be taking stances and
pushing agendas. Having information from all sides of an issue available and
leading by example is enough.


Karyn Ruley
Technology Associate

Crawford County Library
201 Plum St.
Grayling, MI
Phone: 989-348-9214
Fax: 989-348-9294

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