[Michlib-l] Cataloging and MeLCat class coming up in February!

Gwen Haviland havilandg at mcls.org
Fri Feb 12 10:14:06 EST 2021

Register soon for these webinars from MCLS!

Copy Cataloging of Videos & DVDs Using RDA<https://store.mcls.org/index.php/copy-cataloging-of-videos-dvds-using-rda-632.html>
3-day class, February 23-25, 2pm - 4pm Eastern (1pm - 3pm Central)

MeLCat: the Other Stuff<https://store.mcls.org/index.php/melcat-the-other-stuff-611.html> (Michigan MeLCat library staff only)
1-day class, February 24, 10am - 11am Eastern (9am - 10am Central)

For these and other great workshops please visit our Training Store here https://store.mcls.org
To learn about our Soft Skills and Cataloging Certificate Programs click here https://www.mcls.org/training-events/certification/

Gwen Haviland, Training Department
Midwest Collaborative for Library Services (MCLS)
1407 Rensen St, Suite 1, Lansing, MI 48910
800-530-9019 ext 404
training at mcls.org

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