[Michlib-l] Start Your Beginning Workshop, New Director or Advanced Director online modules now

White, Shannon (MDE) WhiteS29 at michigan.gov
Mon Jan 17 11:48:05 EST 2022

Online Courses Necessary for State Aid and Library Staff Certification Available The Library of Michigan has released all modules necessary for libraries and library staff to complete State Aid to Public Libraries Applications as well as Library Staff Certification Requirements.

LM recommends that you complete these in a timely manner to ensure all necessary requirements are handled by the March 1 deadline. Please don't hesitate to work through the online lessons now so you and your library are set for future State Aid payments.

The following courses are all available as online, self-paced modules in the LM Niche Staff Skills Academy. Staff can access the courses through the direct links below or by visiting the LM website at www.michigan.gov/libraryce<http://www.michigan.gov/libraryce> and scrolling to the section titled, LM CE for State Aid and Certification.

For full details on Class Size requirements for libraries as part of the State Aid process visit the State Aid Application Process Document<https://www.michigan.gov/documents/libraryofmichigan/State_Aid_to_Public_Libraries_Application_Process_544008_7.pdf> and review Part B, Section III Class Size Requirements. Libraries can locate details for specific class sizes and read the requirements related to these courses. Visit the Library Staff Certification<http://www.michigan.gov/LIBRARYCERTIFICATION> process page for details on requirements for that program.

New Director Workshop Pathway<https://www.michigan.gov/libraryofmichigan/0,9327,7-381-88855_89737-230400--,00.html>
An online version of a previous in person event. The online version is for public library directors needing to meet State Aid requirements.
Staff needing this should complete it by March 1 in order for the library to meet State Aid requirements if they were provided a waiver last year. The New Director Workshop is required to be completed within one year of initial directorship appointment.
See the State Aid to Public Libraries Application Process Document Section III Class Size Requirements<https://www.michigan.gov/documents/libraryofmichigan/State_Aid_to_Public_Libraries_Application_Process_544008_7.pdf> for full details on this requirement. You do not need to notify LM you completed this. LM can see completion records on the back end of our Niche system.
TIP! Those required to complete this course should create only one profile in the Niche system to complete the lessons. If you complete individual pieces under different logins you will not be able to complete the entire pathway and receive your certificate without taking the individual parts multiple times.

Advanced Director Workshop Pathway<https://www.michigan.gov/libraryofmichigan/0,9327,7-381-88855_89737-503847--,00.html>
A newly released online version of a previous in person course is available for directors of Class 4, 5, 6 libraries.
Staff needing this should complete it by March 1 in order for the library to meet State Aid requirements if they were provided a waiver last year. For new directors of Class 4, 5, or 6 libraries this is required to be completed within 2 years of initial appointment.
See the State Aid to Public Libraries Application Process Document Part B, Section III Class Size Requirements<https://www.michigan.gov/documents/libraryofmichigan/State_Aid_to_Public_Libraries_Application_Process_544008_7.pdf> for full details on this requirement. You do not need to notify LM you completed this. LM can see completion records on the back end of our Niche system.
TIP! Those required to complete this course should create only one profile in the Niche system to complete the lessons. If you complete individual pieces under different logins you will not be able to complete the entire pathway and receive your certificate without taking the individual parts multiple times.

Beginning Workshop<https://www.michigan.gov/libraryofmichigan/0,9327,7-381-88855_89737-308787--,00.html>
A newly released online version of a previous in person training event now available for any library staff without a MLS needing to meet certification requirements for Levels 3 & 4.
Staff requiring Level 3 or 4 certification should complete this by March 1 in order for their library to meet State Aid requirements if their library received a waiver last year.
You do not need to notify LM you completed this. LM can see completion records on the back end of our Niche system.
TIP! Those required to complete this course should create only one profile in the Niche system to complete the lessons. If you complete individual pieces under different logins you will not be able to complete the entire pathway and receive your certificate without taking the individual parts multiple times.

Questions about these new courses? Contact LM-LibTraining at michigan.gov<mailto:LM-LibTraining at michigan.gov>

This project was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Shannon White
Library of Michigan, 702 W. Kalamazoo, Lansing, MI 48909
517-335-1507 | www.mi.gov/libraryofmichigan<http://www.mi.gov/libraryofmichigan>
Call me on Teams<callto:whites29 at michigan.gov>

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