[Michlib-l] Notice on LM Grant Applications and UEI numbers

Reish, Karren (MDE) ReishK at michigan.gov
Tue Jan 18 16:21:54 EST 2022

My apologies for the incorrect link in the first message. The Overview document link is updated.

Good afternoon, this year the federal government is shifting from requiring a DUNS number from organizations (entities) receiving federal funds to requiring a UEI number. This change is effective for federal funds received through any agency as of April. What this means for Michigan libraries is the following:

  *   All libraries applying for 2022 grants from the Library of Michigan must submit a valid UEI number with their application.
  *   All libraries currently receiving grant funds must submit a valid UEI number to the Library of Michigan to receive grant reimbursements by April 2022.
  *   Libraries whose staff members request continuing education stipends must a have a UEI at the time of payment.

A UEI is a Unique Entity Identifier, which is replacing DUNS numbers for all entities receiving federal funds by April 2022. If your municipality holds the DUNS number for your library, the municipality is responsible for applying for or confirming the UEI number. If your library holds its own DUNS number, then your library is responsible for applying for or confirming the UEI number. To ensure you have the UEI number when grant applications are due, please complete this process as soon as possible. The overview below has more information on to apply for a UEI. You apply for a UEI at SAM.gov<https://sam.gov/content/home>.

  *   UEI Identification Numbers Overview<https://w3.michigan.gov/documents/libraryofmichigan/Identification_Numbers_to_Apply_for_Federal_Funds_745948_7.pdf>

As we open grant applications for the 2022 year, the new forms will include a requirement for the UEI number. Our expected timeline is that the Public Library Services grant application will be available in February and the Improving Access to Information grant application will be available in March. In conjunction with the availability of the applications, we will be opening registration for application webinars and a Questions about the UEI webinar.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.

Karren Reish
Library Grants Coordinator
Library of Michigan
517-241-0021,  www.michigan.gov/lsta<http://www.michigan.gov/lsta>
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