[Michlib-l] FREE MLA Connect Event: Intellectual Freedom - Library Law, the Constitution and Compliance

Rachel Ash rfash at milibraries.org
Fri Sep 2 08:20:49 EDT 2022

Good morning!

We hope you’ll join MLA and Library Law Attorney Anne Seurynck on Tuesday, September 13, from 2:00 - 4:00 PM for a FREE MLA Connect Event: Intellectual Freedom - Library Law, the Constitution and Compliance. This virtual event is free to attend. Please note, that any legal information will be solely for informational and discussion purposes and is not to be considered legal advice. Check out the details below and register today<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001aVqlxBzL2ftUQ_Z8G3z66Y8vHzLpf4UfNlyfT_QHnt4a2HRx62WsdTySOgD_-DI742wkGg8r19te_2k2-kBXBZVoUnFpeAmeF76SpCYgxSNeY1AnvYvRYGvpc3jDFAX3Xqxj2Fc_5PE0zNlP84UKlqlmSTFP_lsx0vgdeC_6PxyBFO0fZBUPrpQnwTV3h60TPUq3WEIRJEJHxR3cLpoSO_o-MtMa0BfEsI9iK1fsXIDrId-cDHk1KdY2GtOaMwHkzCtd0NQ5_78TQUFukso-XZjxkcWa1b38wNbAF0h5316zT9Gyf8l_SF9a5ZO63lyAiSuibP3le35VBFWTXV7Okq4_cFZrHAaFEGi3AmsxlCeF4zx9v8Ln_6T5J8XwBetqK4vfBi0MxFHbHrduCIQypl4qp_1woeshDnZv9FCr6tcvzyTkY7rDjuDPSU8db4Du&c=-iF9z9_pPC0eiuU7cKyxDLjScdR24GWJsanO125k09EtNJwHOTya0Q==&ch=Cz61Jy7-V3qiEvXzrlHIMyz1nqMKyaJTGCqkfhmssNThdNWfbxWS0A==>.

Intellectual Freedom: Library Law, the Constitution and Compliance
September 13, 2022
2:00 - 4:00 PM
Library policies and procedures are important tools when protecting your community’s right to intellectual freedom. The unique legal position of libraries requires careful consideration when developing policies. Learn about must-have policies, common mistakes, and how your policies can help you respond to book challenges and other pressures in your community. Topics will include First Amendment issues, patron privacy, and a new twist on censorship challenges - Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) compliance.

Join MLA and Anne Seurynck, Foster, Swift, Collins, and Smith, for an overview of the legal issues to consider when developing policies and responding to community and internal pressures, and learn more about best practices to ensure your library policies are in compliance with the E-Rate program while maintaining patron privacy and intellectual freedom.

This session is free to attend but registration is required.

Anne Seurynck
Foster, Swift Collins and Smith
Anne is a shareholder and President of the Foster Swift Law Firm. Her focus has been on the representation of libraries. Anne counsels clients on policies, library privacy concerns, constitutional law questions, millage and funding issues, patron problems and other issues affecting public libraries.

Register: https://www.milibraries.org/index.php?option=com_jevents&task=icalrepeat.detail&evid=200&Itemid=276&year=2022&month=09&day=13&title=library-law-and-intellectual-freedom-issues&uid=a3d75b0ed66aecabe0176602d97b025f

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Rachel Ash
Membership and Communications Director
Michigan Library Association
3410 Belle Chase Way, Suite 100
Lansing, MI 48911
Phone: (517) 394-2774 ext. 2
Direct:  517-881-6652 *Please note new number
rfash at milibraries.org<mailto:%0bmilibraries.org%0brfash at milibraries.org>
Follow MLA on Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/MichiganLibraryAssociation> and Twitter<https://twitter.com/mlaoffice>!
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